annika Profile picture
Jun 28, 2021 411 tweets >60 min read
a #wenrene tagalog crack(?) au
-wherein wendy works at an events planning business and irene is one of their client. chaos ensues as everyone finds out they’ve been rivals since high school.

- if you’ll read this then please qrt, rt, and like only
- don’t reply nalang para di masira thread ng au hehe
- enjoy kasi corny jokes laman nito! Hahahaha
Dec 10, 2020 325 tweets >60 min read
wenrene au

wherein wendy is the captain of the soccer team and her teammate was mesmerized by the head cheerleader from the other school, who also happens to be her bitchy ex. notes:
-will u read this? yes there will be angst
-qrt and rt only pls
-i will put tags if the content is angst i guess?