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Decoding geopolitics, Africa and Western Asia.
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May 15 5 tweets 2 min read
During his recent speech at the University of Massachusetts, Max Blumenthal said that he does not deny that Palestinian Islamic jihadists carried out atrocities on #Oct7... while using comedy to literally treat those atrocities like a joke to laugh about (and his audience did).🫢 Image A Western journalist reported that the IDF informed her that Palestinian Islamic jihadists beheaded 40 babies, but she quickly retracted her statement, admitting that she had misinterpreted the spokesperson's comment.

Despite this, the Western press ran with the story, which was soon disproved, and Israel has since then been accused of exaggerating the #Oct7 pogrom in order to "manufacture consent" for an alleged genocide against the Palestinian people.

What did the Israeli spokesperson say that was misinterpreted? He said that the Palestinian Islamic Jihad had killed unarmed civilian men, women, and kids... 40 babies... and there were beheadings.

In Hebrew and Israeli culture, the same word is used for infants and children... kids of all ages are considered babies. This truly was something lost in translation. So, what's the truth?

On 7 October 2022, Palestinian Islamic jihadists intentionally killed more than a thousand Israelis. At least 800 of them were unarmed civilians. 38 were children, some of whom were infants... and it's not a stretch to think, after looking at the crime scene photos of their bedrooms, that Jihadists went as far as to slit the throats of children while they slept.

There is no need for the Israeli government to exaggerate these atrocities. Even without "40 beheaded babies", what Palestinian Islamic jihadists did on October 7th should be considered an act of genocide... but because of people like Max Blumenthal, people are treating this... the most heinous mass murder of Jewish people since the Holocaust... like a joke.…
Oct 6, 2023 18 tweets 4 min read
Olena Halushka (Ukrainian journalist and co-founder of the International Center for Ukrainian Victory) inadvertently corroborates rumors that today's missile/bomb strike in Groza, Kharkov targeted an off-duty gathering of Euromaidan militants. Image Rumor has it, the gathering was a memorial honoring an Aidar Battalion leader, and high ranking officials for the militant group (who have now been legitimized as an official Ukrainian military unit) were in attendance.
Oct 2, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
Add @KeirGiles to the list of intellectually dishonest academics who write rhetorical garbage and blatant lies about how we mustn't let Russia exploit the truth.… Prof Giles wants people to believe the Galicia SS were innocent boy scouts... despite what they did in Huta Pieniacka.…
Sep 30, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
I'm pretty sure that if the Russians have captured 10,000 POW's since launching their escape radio channel, the Red Cross in Russia would be able to verify that number. I just did a quick search to see whether they've given anyone a statement about this, and I see that Euromaidanists are currently running an influence campaign to discredit Red Cross workers who have access to those POW's. This has me believing that what we're hearing is true, but the Ukrainians are taking steps to ensure that their audience won't believe the one organization who could verify the rumors. Here's the video that's circulating to try and discredit International Red Cross Workers. Ukrainian soldier returned to Ukraine in prisoner exchange alleges that Red Cross workers made fun of them.
Sep 12, 2023 24 tweets 6 min read
English speaking spokesperson for the Ukrainian military: Ukraine will hunt down "Russian propagandists" around the world. The announcement came ahead of the criminal trial of Chilean-American journalist Gonzalo Lira who has been charged with, "justifying Russia's aggression, denying/glorifying Russian war crimes, and undermining Ukraine's leadership and Defense Forces."…
Sep 5, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
The Russian pilot who murdered his flight mates and delivered the helicopter he was flying to the Ukrainian government was paid half a million US bucks to do so.… Original report from Ukraine's military intelligence broadcast, starts at 53:08.
Aug 18, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Euromaidan government admits: Most (almost two-thirds of) UA citizens who have left and not returned to the country since the start of the Russo-Ukrainian war went to Russia, tho' they still insist on calling Russia-bound evacuations, "deportations".… The "kidnapping" narrative their propaganda machine previously spun is starting to unravel.
Jul 23, 2023 19 tweets 5 min read
Looks like solid evidence that the cathedral was struck by Ukraine's own air defense system. Even though it was probably struck by one of Ukraine's own air defense missiles, Zelenskyy is exploiting the incident to say that Russia is targeting "... humanity and the foundations of our entire European culture." But wasn't the cathedral built by the Russian Orthodox?
Jul 15, 2023 14 tweets 6 min read
Reminder: The EU Commission determined that the Georgian government started the 2008 Georgian War when they started bombing t/f out of Tskhinvali. Reminder: Putin's "regime" did not attack Chechnya, but was defending Chechnya and other Russian territories from a terrorist insurgency that was affiliated with al Qaeda.…
Jun 16, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
The Ukrainian government has ordered all in Ivano-Frankivsk oblast who are eligible for the draft to report for duty within 10 days. Ukraine's military draft includes women.…
Jun 16, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Many would. But Stalin wasn't one who did. The number of pogromists was so great that killing them all would've been a horrifying spectacle. Instead, he relocated them & their families to places where they couldn't bother or be bothered by anyone. It was the most humane option. Were things difficult for those people? Yes. Did innocent family members get swept up because of things their relatives did? Yes. But I'm hard pressed to come up with a more humane solution to the insurmountable fascist problem Stalin faced.
Jun 16, 2023 19 tweets 5 min read
Funny thing about Lemkin. There is no record of him ever giving the speech that Ukrainians say he gave and found (after his death) handwritten notes for, where he supposedly proclaimed that the Holodomor was a genocide. Continuing to call a natural drought a "man made famine" and holding Stalin responsible for it is ludicrous. Did Stalin have a weather machine? Was he a god who controlled the rain? Stop being so ridiculous. Y'all are supposed to be grown ups.
Jun 15, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
The investigation Pekka cites here only connected 2 Berkut officers with 3 deaths, and a lot more people were killed by snipers that day. Source: One of the articles he screencaps.… The most damning piece of evidence that implicates Right Sektor Nazis for staging a false flag on February 20th, 2014: Sniper confessions.
Jun 14, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
This is an interesting article about Baltic WW2 DP's. Part of it reveals something I've suspected for a while now... the authorities had suspected that some Eastern European Nazis pretended to be Jews after WW2, in order to escape suspicion.… Personal thoughts: You don't get to say you opposed both Nazis & Soviets & were only defending your country's independence, if defending your "independence" included ethnic cleansing. If you did ethnic cleansing, you were a Nazi. Maybe not a German one, but a Nazi all the same.
Jun 14, 2023 15 tweets 3 min read
At least 2.5 Ukrainians have migrated to Russia. Some of them wanted to. Others felt they had no other choice, since Kyiv was not providing green corridors in the other direction. There is no evidence that anyone was "forced" to go to Russia. And you can't honestly bring up the 1941 deportations without explaining why they happened. Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania was full of ethno-nationalist Nazi collaborators.
Jun 14, 2023 14 tweets 4 min read
Michael @McFaul will be recorded in history as an architect and instigator of WW3 and the biggest and most vile War Pig who *ever* existed. The first world wars became world wars because pre-existing joint defense pacts dragged a significant number of countries into those fights…… Recently, an executive at South Africa's Standard Bank warned that South Africa's neutral stance will result in a significant loss in economic revenues. South Africa is being pressured to break off diplomatic and economic ties with Russia, else have its economy destroyed.……
Jun 13, 2023 18 tweets 4 min read
IMO: Jingoism & the feeling that we need to defeat Putin by any means necessary, even if it means allying with Nazis. After all, in believing that Putin is the antithesis to democracy, anyone who opposes him can be made to look as if they're fighting for democracy. Even Nazis.… I wanna show y'all something. See the guy who Stephen Cohen low-key calls a Nazi in this Democracy Now debate? His name is Anton Shekhovtsov. He became the go-to expert on Ukraine for a while...…
Jun 8, 2023 11 tweets 4 min read
Ukrainian legislator who organized the Odessa Massacre: "Those people had to be killed because their Russianisms were a threat to the Ukrainian Revolutionary State."… Euromaidan interim government: "Send them to filtration camps to process them for deportation. We should nuke them, but sterilization would be a more humane way to exterminate them."
Jun 8, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Please show me evidence that Russian forces are shelling civilians who are trying to flee flood zones.

This is your brain on propaganda:… And I wonder what civilians who are fleeing the flood zone think about the fact that the damn broke in the same place that Ukrainian forces punched holes into, late last year, in a test run for destroying the dam?
Jun 8, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
"Russians ... have said ... always untrue." Like what? Like that time President Biden accidentally confirmed that bombings of "rebel held" Donbass had increased just before Russia launched its SMO?… Image
Jun 8, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Ukraine's SBU asked the FBI to censor and provide the SBU with personal information about Americans who said things the Ukrainian state didn't like... and the FBI attempted to comply. This was a conspiracy against the rights of US citizens, and someone needs to go to jail for it. Caroline Orr acting like just because the FBI's attempts to comply with the SBU's unconstitutional requests were unsuccessful means a conspiracy didn't exist is some high-level cope.