Rob O'Neill ⚡️ Internet Marketing Wizard 🔮 Profile picture
How to use Framework Driven Development™️ to make 6 and 7 figures selling online courses & memberships even as a regular guy: CLICK the link to find out how!
Dat Guy Smells Profile picture 2 subscribed
Nov 23, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
While watching Died Suddenly remains yourself of the fact the mRNA vaccines where targeted at indo-european people. The most vaccinated populations on earth are the US, Canada, Australia, Europe and India. The Chinese vaccination rate is high but they did NOT use mRNA technology. The mRNA jabs were always intended to harm people of indo-european descent in specific, by increasing mortality & reducing fertility.

Because our people’s are seen as the biggest obstacle to their NWO agenda.

Bear in mind too that Africa only has a 6% vaccination rate.
Nov 22, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Guess buddy here doesn’t know anyone with a big house like we do. Paying £1,650/month on just gas for heating in addition to electricity & living cost inflation is fine for well off 6+ fig earners but I suspect most regular people are having a hard time right now. Mortgage costs have doubled (most normies have mortgages!)
Energy costs have been brought down & the government are basically subsidising the costs but there are still a lot of regular people who’s wealth, savings, and quality of life is being slowly eroded by creeping expenses.