Adi Profile picture
👨🏽‍💻 @Chargebee, Previously @Deloitte, @BNYMellon. On Deck Writers Fellow. Arsenal Fan.
Jan 22, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
On Dec 21, 2020, We vacated our flat in Chennai & sent all our "stuff" to a warehouse. My wife & I packed two large bags of clothes & crockery.

We're hopping Airbnbs.

We started with Goa for the last 2 weeks of 2020.

This is in Goa where we stayed with a lovely local family. We were careful to not go to the crowded beaches but then we were the crowd! 🙈

Mostly spent time in quiet beaches like these or worked from the Airbnb itself. Thank god for WiFi.
Mar 20, 2020 10 tweets 3 min read
Had we had Twitter during freedom struggle some of us would have tweeted at @Mahatma and said

“Dude, you are trying too hard”

“Cut the crap, What Dandi March? We need action”

“Satyagraha? Swadeshi moment? Have you lost it”

Thank god we didn’t have SM. 1/n Indians are not just the 300 million English speaking population who has access to Internet. India is 1.2 billion people with a major percentage of them living in semi urban & rural areas. None of them took #Coronavirus seriously. Tier 2 & 3 towns were oblivious & carefree. 2/n