ArkDev | HYTOPIA Profile picture
HYTOPIA Co-Founder | Multi-exit startup founder | 💻 Building @HYTOPIAgg | My tweets/RTs are not endorsements
Apr 14, 2023 15 tweets 4 min read
A New Standard For Wallets + Games (Account Abstraction) 💰💰

A brief thread on what we're cooking up with talent from another very prominent team in the web3 games space.. 😎

This same standard will drive huge things in @nftworldsNFT too!

Let's Dive In (1/🧵) BG: Historically a "wallet" is a well-understood idea for most involved in crypto. It's underpinned by a private key, which allows you to sign/submit transactions to the network, sign messages, etc. It also has a public address

Beyond that it doesn't have other baked in features
Mar 29, 2023 25 tweets 5 min read
With the coming of the new NFT Worlds on the horizon, I wanted to dive deep into why we believe there’s a perfect storm brewing where @nftworldsNFT can become “The next Minecraft”.

A bold claim sure, but bear with me as we dive in… This is going to be a long one.

Thread 🧵👇 When we look at the history of Minecraft over the last 12+ years, its curve of progress and innovation has seen a sharp decline since around the time Microsoft acquired it. Milestone updates are minimal, a few new mobs and biomes may be added to the game each year, etc.
Jan 21, 2023 18 tweets 4 min read
Alright, going to drop some alpha on why we think MetaFab's tech is going to change everything about web3 gaming and open the floodgates to the mainstream.

We're trying to shake things up like no other platform is, so let's dive into the how...

A thread 🧵👇 First, @tryMetaFab was built for games - but that doesn't stop you using the underlying tech for anything else web3 related - there's tons of non-game use cases this all applies to.
Aug 26, 2022 61 tweets 9 min read
I’m about to enter my 30’s. I thought it’d be a good time to reflect on the last decade and share a little bit more of my background with the web3 community.

Below is a LONG thread on where I came from, what I've been through, and my story...

A THREAD 🧵🧵 I got introduced to programming around 7 or 8 years old - it’s hard to remember exact timelines that far back. That introduction started with my parents buying an old windows PC that came with games like Freddy Fish and Spy Fox.
May 1, 2022 22 tweets 4 min read
I'm going to break down what happened with the @OthersideMeta mint and HOW and WHY it could have went way smoother with proper gas optimizations.

Get ready, this is a long one.

Let's dive in and start with some proper context on how transactions and gas works... When you submit a transaction to the Ethereum network, in this case minting an Otherdeed, "gas" is measured and a relative fee is paid

Gas is a unit that measures the amount of computational effort required to execute specific operations on Ethereum

More compute work = more gas
Nov 24, 2021 10 tweets 2 min read
🚨 Stop Paying High Gas Fees With NFT Mints 🚨

We just launched the presale mint for @grayboysdao.

The average mint tx fee was under 0.01 eth, and in many cases closer to 0.008 eth to mint 3 Gray boys in 1 tx.

This is a thread on the optimizations we did to achieve that. 1/

First off, any project that has high gas fees to mint and is not doing any special with on chain generation or on chain data is proooobably not gonna make it (lol).

Regardless, some of these optimization tips apply to pretty much every nft project so read thoroughly.