Arpan Anita Maheshwari Profile picture
Ex-Admin (@ind_invests)
Prakhar Singh Profile picture 1 subscribed
Feb 17, 2023 14 tweets 2 min read
I am a very minimalist part of stock trading community, but I have learned that ‘long term investing’ is a disguise by the matrix (as we put them nowadays).
The stock market at large is actually business in businesses. (1/n) The matrix want us to put money in the capital market, adjust their position size on a daily basis, make a fortune and give us a part of it, sometimes. (2/n)
Sep 16, 2022 30 tweets 6 min read
When we sail through a long journey, often in the excitement of reaching a beautiful destination and we find out it is opposite of what we thought, we feel a pain, a dejection towards the place, this is exactly how a IPO journey works in Indian Markets for max Retails investors. IPO, commonly called a jackpot (Initial Public Offering) is when a company applies with the exchanges across the country, to be traded on the stock markets amongst the investors like us, LIC (DII), and other countries investors (FIIs).
Apr 5, 2022 17 tweets 4 min read
COVID 19, a pandemic which plunged the world just not in form of human lives and mental stability, but the most hit was taken upon the economic conditions of a common man.
Developed countries managed the crisis with Helicopter money and big fat monetisation bills. Allegedly born out of China, the virus has taken a total of around 62 Lakh counted lives, and many suffering from the virus and its repercussions even today.
The world GDP took a toll of estimated 3 US$ Trillion (-3.293%) besides heavy disruptions in the primary markets.
Jan 22, 2022 31 tweets 8 min read
'Wars', a term which is seen in a bad light in the contemporary world, but are inevitable in any light.
Human race since their advent have been under a war, be it of ideologue, territory, or religious supremacy over the other. Living in South-Asia, we know this at the best. The ancient and medieval history uses the word 'battle' more often. This was due to non-tactical warheads and tech over a long period of time, unlike in the modern times where such phenomenon have reached to fourth generation. Nations like China are into the fifth, allegedly.
Jan 18, 2022 27 tweets 6 min read
India after 2014 has suddenly been a renaissance to a community labelled as majority, although the term should be indigenous if the agenda has to be fulfilled at the maximum. However, the debate of majority and minority has come forward not recently. Indians have been fooled by not even firing a shot, and just by the normal put the knife on throat tactics by the Colonizers for almost 4 centuries.
No one amongst us was behind in fueling the burn that started in house of Commons and slowly burnt down the ethos of the holy-land.
Jan 16, 2022 13 tweets 3 min read
It is often said, History does not work on the terms of what ifs' and what if nots', but the same history is regarded as a teacher, and a critical evaluation of where you lead to is based fairly on where you come from. Indian subcontinent has been regarded as one of the most early civilizations dating back to the bronze age co-existing with Egyptian, Mesopotamian, and Chinese civilizations.
The stark contrast to those contemporary times was the advancement of the way people lived here.
Jul 30, 2021 12 tweets 2 min read
Hold Back !! if you were politically active even in starting of 2014, you’ll agree that the allegations over MODI have not changed to what they were back then.
They are still the same and hitherto does not shamble his image (over which BJP surfs their boat).
SIMPLE. Opposition should hit where it hurts the most, cry over Pegasus, but the common man has this belief that MODI will never sell the nation (while BJP in 2014 successfully tarnished the image of UPA for doing so) for his own self.
Oct 7, 2020 7 tweets 1 min read
I live in a country where saying anything against religion in bad deeds is a crime but casteism in the same is an act of being progressive.
I'm an Indian for whom being Indian is the religion itself, being Hindu (since I am one) comes second. (1/n) Lower caste and Upper caste was taught to me by system and the way it works, have been shared the same food with all my friends be it muslim, Christian, Sikh and the ones from lower varnas (we don't even consider that), this is my nations biggest strength. (2/n)
Sep 23, 2020 7 tweets 1 min read
2015 - Shantakumar Committee says only 6% farmers get MSP benefits.
2016 - NITI ayog says in 2016 that 81% farmers don't even know what MSP is.
(1/n) Punjab & Haryana govt combined earning from APMC taxes @ 8% is nearly 2600 crore (1750 crore Punjab).

The new Farm bills cuts out APMC taxes and thereby making farmers to sell without paying mandi tax. This is a direct hit on state treasury.
Sep 4, 2020 9 tweets 2 min read
Chinese counterpart to Defence Minister Rajnath Singh asks a personal 1v1 meeting during the SCO summit in Moscow. This comes as a very defensive move from Bejiing's perspective, seen their moves and motives since the start of Indo-China skirmish especially after June 15 clashes. Possyile reasons which can be derived from this moves comes from the light of,
1. Threat of India carrying on their anti-China sentiment and henceforth continuing the actions against chinese interests and trade. (RIC, RCEP, BRICS...)
Jul 29, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
After 22 years of long overhaul time, Indian Air Force is finally going to introduce new ’Fighter/Comabt Jets/Aircraft’ in their fleets with, Sukhoi 30 being introduced back in 1998 from Russia.
Although 5 such aircrafts make no substantial change, confidence does go up. 🇮🇳 Personally, very happy to see new inducted warfare jets of 4.5 generation from Dasault in form of Rafael which were due from so long, with many controversies registered in thier name.
The arrival has been such a ‘decorated movie’ from the day it has taken off from France.
Jul 21, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Finger 8 is where China claimed its territory in 1960, when there were talks between Indian PM Jawahar Lal Nehru and his Chinese counterpart Premier Zhou Enlai.
Today, the claims surpass the previous agreements and come upto Finger 4, nearly 8 KM further westwards in ‘INDIA’. Image In the commander level talks followed, after the June 15 clash between IA & PLA at Galwan River valley, there is a term ‘mutual disengagement’ which is coming out, whereby, both the sides have dropped back, creating a ‘buffer zone’ in previously what was Indian Territory.
Jul 16, 2020 7 tweets 1 min read
India-US near to a limited trade ‘Package’ which can be followed by bilateral FTA later but sooner than Presidential elections in the USA. There was a mutual consensus reached (reportedly) between C&I minister of India and Secretary of Commerce for USA. The trade agreement is a long pending element between the ever high relationship between the two democracies as the leaders of the time giggle among themselves more than Manmohan Singh and Bush previosuly.
Jul 15, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
An Neo-Determinism geographer, Griffith Taylor from England laid this concept of a middle way through Determinism and Possibilism whose crux says, the long term winner will always be nature although short term gainers remain to be humans.
(1/3) This was followed by a great criticism of undermining the scope of human in driving the nature by the believers of posibilism and determinism believers were critical of less emphasis on nature and the driving forces.
Jul 11, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
If what the reports tell, and there is a substance in the news of Sachin Pilot sidelining Congress to join BJP after Jyotraditya Schndia later this year, there is an eminent phase for Congress to revamp its inner politics alongside the BJP’s dirty politics of opportunity ( IF ). A 50 YO member of the party still remains the ‘YUVA NETA’ wheras people like Pilot and Schindia remain in the shadow of RaGa’s image amongst people for being a youth ‘ICON’.
Jul 5, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
When Modiji says this is not the era pf expansionism as it used to be in time of Hitler, as it is clear from his references.
This should be kept in mind, frontline diplomatic tactics are also one of early 21st century method.
Time for Geo Political Politics.
कुछ दाग अच्छे है । 1. The hurting of chinese sentiment with economy is a good idea but keeping in mind the real figures we share as % of exports to them, we should capitalise their market, not get off their market.
Jul 4, 2020 9 tweets 2 min read
21 countries and counting.
The very northern and the one of the lesser existing allies of China were also attacked for territorial lust by claim of VLADIVOSTOK (KING OF THE EAST) situated south east of Russia stating the historical significance. The place serves as an important naval as well has shipping sites to the eastern line towards the Sea of Okhotsk as the major land remains to be inhabited and covered with dense forest and ice for the majority of the calender.
Jun 30, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
Beijing’s dispute claims over the Sakteng Wildlife Sanctuary, Bhutan comes at 53rd GEF meeting;
1. China solidifies its stand on Arunachal Pradesh as the place is on border with Bhutan.
2. Bhutan and India agreeing to Hydropower Projects. The summit of GEF (Global Environment Facility) although has said that the funding would be provided to Bhutan as a part of which, mention would be made on Chinese part not being with the move.
Jun 28, 2020 22 tweets 4 min read
How pitty is it that we don’t even respect the past we come from and at par, politicians made a fuss about it and the dividiend created a hate against an animal too.
COW, an animal to some, worship to many. There is an obnoxious environment around the word ‘Cow’ around the country, wherey people fight upon this, kill, murder and exchange hatred upon each other. This mostly results into communal hatred as usual towards the end and then politicians cook their politics in it.
Jun 28, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
The BRI projects seems to have got a hit due to pandemic of Corona. Numerous nations of African continent along with Asian countries under BRI have asked for loan repayment exemptions from China. This can be a possible time for democracies around the world in helping the payback. The second point is, the chinese population has developed a negative view to BRI which is estimated to cost around USD 3.4 trillion. They want it to be used in rehabilitation of the destruction caused by the virus outbreak rather than investments in foreign.
Jun 28, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
From 6th century AD, ancient India which was once the centre of trade, saw a huge decline of trade from west and in 3rd century AD from east because Roman empire understood the concept of ‘Trade Deficit’ amd that bigger benificiray was Indian peasents and artisans. This made India from biggest trading land onto a declining journey. Chinese pilgrims who came to India for Buddhist texts give the accounts of deserted cities which were once full of gold and silver coins.