David Miller T.O. Profile picture
Author of Solved: how the worlds great cities are fixing the climate crisis. I tweet about cities, climate, equity, transit, and Toronto FC. Was Mayor T.O.
papillon4444 🦋 🇨🇦🏳️‍🌈🇸🇻 Profile picture Lawrence Schmidt Profile picture 3 subscribed
Mar 3, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
The entire implication that China wanted the Liberals re-elected makes no sense. As the article says, “ Relations between China and Canada have soured since Université de Montreal in 2016 announced the donations”. Furthermore, the Conservative government signed controversial trade deals with China that gave it everything it wanted. If anything, if China could influence elections (highly doubtful) it would want that government back, certainly by 2018
Jan 7, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Bill Morneau is shockingly un-self aware and disloyal. PM Trudeau made him Finance Minister, despite Morneau having no political experience or any relevant experience for such an important position. He was lucky to get the position, simply because they could say “Bay St” His comments about WE are revealing. He says he wasn’t influenced by WE’s bribe of an all expenses paid family trip to Africa, then proceeds to say how great the organization was. In other words, the bride worked exactly as intended. Exactly why he had to declare a conflict.
Dec 2, 2022 25 tweets 4 min read
Edited remarks to hearings on Bill 39:

I have serious concerns about the negative impacts this legislation will have on our local democracy.

The proposed legislation not only amends the City of Toronto Act but contradicts it and undermines the governing principles of the Act. The Act explicitly states the City must be able to “determine the appropriate structure for governing the City ... and ensure the City is accountable to the public and that the process for making decisions is transparent”.
Nov 17, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
The OMB, over the democratic decision of Toronto City Council, approved a massive condo development on industrial land on Parklawn just north of Lakeshore. In that case, the City argued that rezoning industrial cost jobs and would risk the adjacent jobs at the Christie factory/2 The City lost (despite the application being completely contrary to the official plan etc etc etc). The condos were built, the factory closed, and the hundreds pf decent union jobs vanished. Hundreds. The land speculator won. Everyone else lost.
Nov 17, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
Shocking. Wrong. Embarrassing. Embarrassing for the Mayor to ask for or accept this power. Weak, most of all. Any Mayor worth the honour of that title has more than enough power to win the day when they are right We are seriously going off the rails.
Oct 16, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Wrong. If you look at the investments made in public services 2003 - 2010 you will see very significant investments indeed, including in basic infrastructure like water and sewage, transit, housing, services for people, and more. /2 The money came from smart negotiations with Ottawa and Queens Park, (in partnership with leading Mayors), significant increases in water rates, and increased property taxes, and the beginnings of the LTT /3
Sep 19, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
PM Trudeau led the way globally with a pandemic response that ensured people could economically survive (CERB); made life affordable for families (Canada Child Benefit) and has now introduced new targeted measures to help those most in need, including dental care /2 The Conservatives voted or have spoken against almost all of these measures (and certainly wouldn’t have introduced CERB if they were in office) /3
Jul 20, 2022 11 tweets 2 min read
The province needs to stop interfering with Toronto, and return to the principles underlying the City of Toronto Act - of mutual respect. The City of Toronto is the fourth or fifth largest government in Canada by budget and population, and is more than capable of self-government. Mike Harris forced amalgamation and then downloaded services. The combined impact significantly harmed Toronto, opened the door to corruption, and required years (and a courageous council) to fix. His damage to the public school system, sadly, endures
Aug 30, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Impressive and clearly thought out proposals from Liberals on climate. As always with this Government, the question will be whether these are just promises. But a cap on oil and gas emissions is a powerful start - if the details are as strong as the promise. But,/2 More steps are needed: addressing transportation emissions through zero emissions fleets, starting with the post office; addressing emissions from buildings through measures building on Vancouver's building code, Toronto's Hi-Ris multi-res retrofit programme and /3
Jan 27, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
We know from documents recently released that the Ontario Government was advised last year to only open schools if students could distance (ie smaller classes), and rapid tests and proper tracing procedures were in place. It hid that advice and lied about it /2 Teachers sought scientific advice, through their unions, from Dr David Fisman. Good thing they did, given the governments lack of transparency and honesty. Now Ontario is attacking him: for giving professional advice to people who needed it and asked /3
Dec 31, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
Premier Ford lied in a written statement, and now has admitted that he lied. He should be joining his Minister of Finance in resigning. The St Barts vacation and the lies require resignation. But so does the mishandling of the second wave. No proper tracing / testing for workplaces where the most problems are; no plan to help low income neighbourhoods where those working people live;
Mar 27, 2019 14 tweets 3 min read
I've just seen reports about the Provincial intent to massively interfere in the planning and building of transit in Toronto. This is disastrous for Toronto residents and must be fought with every means possible. First of all, the idea that the Province of Ontario has any current expertise in Transit construction is fiction. This paragraph of the Provincial letter is brazenly false: pbs.twimg.com/media/D2nrjAMU…