How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App, the Conservative government signed controversial trade deals with China that gave it everything it wanted. If anything, if China could influence elections (highly doubtful) it would want that government back, certainly by 2018 comments about WE are revealing. He says he wasn’t influenced by WE’s bribe of an all expenses paid family trip to Africa, then proceeds to say how great the organization was. In other words, the bride worked exactly as intended. Exactly why he had to declare a conflict. City lost (despite the application being completely contrary to the official plan etc etc etc). The condos were built, the factory closed, and the hundreds pf decent union jobs vanished. Hundreds. The land speculator won. Everyone else lost. are seriously going off the rails. money came from smart negotiations with Ottawa and Queens Park, (in partnership with leading Mayors), significant increases in water rates, and increased property taxes, and the beginnings of the LTT /3 St Barts vacation and the lies require resignation. But so does the mishandling of the second wave. No proper tracing / testing for workplaces where the most problems are; no plan to help low income neighbourhoods where those working people live;