Halli Profile picture
Creating something new. Built wheelchair ramps @rampur. Chairman @hafnarhaus. Music @onnujonuson. Founder @uenodotco (sold to Twitter?) and @annajona.
4 subscribers
Jul 9, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read
Oppenheimer is a movie about the preparation for the deadliest terrorist attacks in history. Before the bombing Japan had been on a murderous rampage throughout
Asia. Nothing good can be said about their regime.

People in the replies seem to think that justified nuking civilians. I don’t think that is ever justified.
May 22, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Big corporations don’t typically so anything because they think it’s the right thing to do. They do them because they think it will make them money.

The reason companies are being “woke” is not because they care about causes, it’s because they think it’s good for their brand. They are not on anyones side. They don’t care about these issues unless it makes them money to seem like they care.

They’ll switch sides on a dime. Throw anyone under the bus.
May 17, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
Last year we created a space in downtown Reykjavík where artists, musicians, designers, developers, entrepreneurs, could work together.

Today, @hafnarhaus is the largest creative coworking space in Iceland with almost 200 members.

All housed in this wonderful building. Image The City of Reykjavik offered us cheap rent and our non-profit leases it as cheaply as we can to our tenants.

It's been amazing to see a wonderful community come together. People from all over the world creating separately and together.

There is even a kiln! Image
Apr 26, 2023 15 tweets 2 min read
I gave a short talk today at a conference about kids with disabilities participating in sports.

When I agreed to talk about this I didn't realise it would open up a wound I had tried my best to ignore for 30 years.

Anyway, here's a thread. I'm not sure why I said yes to speaking. I don't really like sports, in fact I kind of very much dislike sports.

So, as I started to think about what I could say I thought maybe I had made a huge mistake.

But then I started thinking about why I don't like sports.
Mar 9, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
Ok, I get that the timing is weird but:

When I was young I was afraid. I made music but mostly just for myself.

But 2 yrs ago I started working on an album and today I'm releasing the first @onnujonuson song.

Spotify: shorturl.at/bmuAI

YouTube: Again, yes, the timing is a bit awkward but this has been such a long time coming and I've been planning for this release for such a long time.

I understand that some people might think this was all planned. It sure looks like that.
Mar 9, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Ok. I’m announcing something tomorrow. And it has nothing to do with anything that’s happened in the last few days.

But it’s something that I’ve been working on for a long time and I’m proud of but also shy about.

Anyway, just wanted to warn you incase you want to unfollow. Being the main character on Twitter is interesting but it also means I now have a lot of followers that know me from this one thing that happened in my life.

But that one thing is not really what I want my life to be about. And it’s not really that interesting.
Mar 7, 2023 17 tweets 4 min read
Hi again @elonmusk 👋

I hope you are well.

I’m fine too. I’m thankful for your interest in my health.

But since you mentioned it, I wanted to give you more info.

I have muscular dystrophy. It has many effects on my body.

Let me tell you what they are: My legs were the first to go. When I was 25 years old I started using a wheelchair.

It’s been 20 years since that happened.

In that time the rest of my body has been failing me too. I need help to get in and out of bed and use the toilet
Mar 7, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Ok, following long threaded back and forth replies on Twitter is a bit complicated, so let me give you the highlights.

After no straight answers on my employment status for 9 days I asked @elonmusk to tell me if I had been laid off.

He sort of replied... He asked me what I had been working on. When I told him he laughed.

Which, to be fair, I get. I am quite funny.

Then all of the sudden, Twitter's head of HR, (who had previously twice been unable to tell me if I had a job or not) emailed and said I was no longer employed.
Mar 7, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
@elonmusk Among others:
- led the effort to save about $500k on one SaaS contract. Supported closing down many others
- led prioritization of design projects across the company to make sure we were able to deliver with a small team @elonmusk - led design crits to help level up design across the company
- was hiring manager for all design roles
- worked on efforts to steer the company away from focusing on power users and on to younger users (because our user base is aging)
Mar 2, 2020 13 tweets 3 min read
We've put together a Corona/Covid-19 response for Ueno.

Putting it here in case it helps anyone working on a plan but note that we are not experts. Please evaluate and take actions based on the best information you have access to.

Our first priority is the health and safety of our employees, contractors, clients as well as their families.

In the last few weeks, the situation with Coronavirus (COVID-19) has developed fast and it will continue to develop over the foreseeable future.

Dec 24, 2019 15 tweets 3 min read
Seven years ago I led a team to create the first Google Santa Tracker.

I was not supposed to be in that role. But it changed my life.

It started as a pretty standard call.

I had been working with Upperquad and their founder, my friend Phil, on a number of projects, many of them for Google.

This time around, the Google Maps team wanted a way for kids to follow
Santa on Christmas Eve.

Sep 24, 2019 9 tweets 2 min read
Flying for people that use wheelchairs is not easy or comfortable.

Most flights have at least 1-2 issues related to poor crew training and broken processes.

On a recent flight the crew made a series of mistakes, the worst of which was literally dropping me on the floor.

When things like this happen (this is not the first time) I start by contacting the airline with two polite requests.

A) A full refund of my ticket as well as anyone that was traveling with me (most often my family). I always ask them to donate the refund to Unicef.

Aug 21, 2019 21 tweets 3 min read
Ok, some thoughts about feedback.

First, let’s start with the basics:
1. There’s a thing you think could be better
2. You tell someone about it.

Both of those are great in theory. No argument there, we should all do those things.

But the details is where we fuck up

/Thread The why, how, where, when and who you deliver the feedback to is where most of us tend to fail.
Jul 9, 2019 19 tweets 3 min read
I have depression. It comes in waves and I can’t fully control it but I have noticed that my habits have a big impact.

Sharing in this thread with. List (in no particular order) in case it is helpful for anyone else and as a reminder for myself for later when I go off road. A) I take medicine to fight the depression. Strongly recommend. Talk to your doctor for more information.
Nov 9, 2018 48 tweets 7 min read
Before we begin, let me tell you a couple of things. First, a few years ago I started an agency called Ueno (ueno.co). Second, I’m in a wheelchair. That’s it, those are the two things you need to know before you read on. 1/? At the core of what Ueno does is solving problems. These problems are extremely complex and the only way we can solve them is if we bring people with different kinds of experiences and backgrounds together. 2/?