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| EDITOR | MUSIC MANAGEMENT | SOCIAL MEDIA CONSULTANT | @iamjoelee (𝕏) | @iamjoelee@bsky.social | @i.am.joelee (Threads) | @i.am.joe.lee (TikTok)
Jul 23, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
How are LFL actually so thick and ignorant of process, bent on blaming Government when :
- application for The 1975 was REJECTED in June
- approved in July because organisers (confirmed by official statement) gave assurance/would assume responsibility if group acted out - organisers accepted decision, assumed responsibility knowing consequences of their failed gamble if band broke assurance
- called Fahmi "once poster boy for the Bangsarite liberal crowd" when that's literally, what they sound like
Jul 22, 2023 13 tweets 2 min read
Ok. Here's the thing about the whole Good Vibes Festival issue.

This is entirely MY PERSONAL TAKE based on information and official sources that I have pieced together. 1. The 1975 were initially denied approval. This was retracted BECAUSE THEY AGREED to abide by the rules and regulations set by Malaysian authorities, in this case PUSPAL.

They apparently signed the dotted line agreeing, taking on liability for any actions.
Nov 28, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Was supposed to start work tomorrow, but extended my month-long by one more day since today is a public holiday.

House cleaning done for now.

So can chill until I start work back again on Wednesday. Spent an hour scrolling through ex's Facebook (we never added each other and stayed away bila dia tunang).

Dia nampak happy sangat.

Kinda sad tengok anak laki tiga orang dia.

Hoping you're OK there, A. You know I will always love you. Always.

See you on the other side. 💔
Sep 10, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Stupid PSM cow.

Ya isu Bukit Cerakah fight gak.

Tapi isu kawasan Klang ni da berdekad nak invalidate, 400 lebih keluarga terkesan sini ko rasa tak penting?

Memang PSM ni semua pukimak acah terpaling aktivis hanya perjuangan meka la suci?

Pundek. Fuck off. I won't invalidate the fight or struggles of others.

Maybe you should fucking learn to do that too.

Now go fucking lose your deposits again in the next election.
Sep 10, 2022 8 tweets 6 min read
Ok sorry guys line cam palat tadi. Nak live pun sangkut je manjang.

Aku nak go record, for all the abuse and makian to @AmirudinShari - thank you to the Menteri Besar for coming down here and seeing for himself the problems we face here.

Banjir dah berdekad. @AmirudinShari For all the shit I throw his way, @AmirudinShari could choose to ignore us.

Instead, he proceeded with the surprise visit.


Menteri Beaar sendiri nampak, dia pijak je baru meka nak korek longkang depan2.
Sep 10, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
Hello #Twitterjaya.

So pagi ni Ahli Parlimen Klang @mpklang anjurkan walkabout sekitar dua taman, termasuk tempat aku on issues of climate change and how it's affecting us, fokus kat dua taman kita ni sebab selalu banjir.

Point is to highlight thr multiple issues related. Kebetulan dengan itu, mungkin korang juga perasan aku wat perangai Hungry Ghost Festival sikit sebab nak Menteri Besar @AmirudinShari turun padang dan lihat segala permasalahan, kelambatan dan flaws in the bureaucracy involved.