Kimia Nora Profile picture
I studied meditation w/ Joe Dispenza for 12 months | Healed myself of depression and pain | On my way to educate 1 million people | Join Free ↓
Perry Rakoma Profile picture 1 subscribed
May 13 12 tweets 3 min read
This is Michael Singer.

A Yogi who built a $5.4 billion company while meditating in the forest.

He says letting go of control is the secret to his success.

I met him in 2023.

Here's what I learned on how to live a life of freedom and success: Image Trust in life's perfection:

Humans have a big problem. We don't trust in the flow of life.

We constantly get in our own way.

Surrender to life's flow instead of resist it.

Pause for a moment and watch this video:
May 1 13 tweets 3 min read
I'm 26

I'm obsessed with spirituality and self-healing.

So, I spent 1000+ hours studying how yogis, saints, and spiritual geniuses live.

Here's what I found on how to heal yourself and live a fulfilling life: Image Forgive everyone and everything.

It's the most productive thing you will ever do.
Apr 12 13 tweets 3 min read
The ZEN Billionaire

Wahei Takeda

Known as the Warren Buffet of Japan.

With a net worth of $24 billion, his secret is his unique spiritual approach to money.

Here are 8 of his ideas that transformed my life (and will do the same for you): Image Most of your money problems are emotional, not mental.
Apr 8 14 tweets 3 min read
We all know the legendary thinker, Steve Jobs.

But, not everyone knows this: Steve secretly had a Spiritual Teacher.

He read "Autobiography of a Yogi" every year for 40 years until his very last day.

I've spent 7 years studying these teachings.

Here are 8 of them: Image The Power of Meditation:

Most people live on the surface of life. But it is by deep-sea diving in the ocean of thought that you receive the pearls of knowledge.

Start now! Meditation brings proof of the existence of God.
Apr 5 12 tweets 3 min read
The average man wants to become rich but fails to address their poverty mindset.

There's a better way to become rich!

A thread on how to rewire your mind for financial freedom, (based on my practice of Joe Dispenza's teachings): Image You have a personal relationship with money just as with everything else.

Most people have been programmed to feel lack and resentment towards money since childhood:

"There isn't enough" is the common hypnosis.
Apr 2 12 tweets 3 min read
This is Dr. Joe Dispenza.

The most sought-after speaker in the world.

He teaches people how to heal themselves with the power of the mind.

I spent $20,000 to learn from him.

Here are 9 of his insights that transformed my life (and will do the same for you): Image Today, 74% of adults, spend 70% of their lives in a state of chronic stress.

It is a scientific fact that stress directly causes changes to the genes and creates disease.

The #1 cause of disease is stress.