🐰 Luna 🔞 They/them Profile picture
🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ illustrator & small biz owner (32) | They/Them | Minors DNI 🔞 NSFW
Feb 12, 2023 19 tweets 5 min read
How I’ve made supportive & meaningful friendships as a nerdy queer, neurodivergent, & introverted adult who rarely leaves the house.
🧵 THREAD Context: Ppl interacting with this tweet, saying they’d have 0 friends if they cut toxic ppl off.

Background: I’m married, self-employed, & childfree. I live in a red county (boo). I have ADHD, autism, & CPTSD. I am no contact with my family (toxic/abusive).
Nov 7, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Has anyone else noticed the pattern where I warn folks about how adult fantis frequently turn out to be predators ➡️ Fantis come out of their caves to harass me & spout the same lies that have been debunked time & time again in a super transparent attempt to discredit me? 🙃 A thread of their fav debunked lies with receipts:
Nov 7, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
@NemoEntropy A number of reasons. A huge one would be that many parents of kids who are taken advantage of in this way do not want to put their kid’s traumatic experience on parade. They want their kid to heal & move forward. They don’t want to dwell on it. (1/?) @NemoEntropy (2/?) Parents may also be hesitant to speak about it bc they fear being blamed. (“If you were monitoring your child, this wouldn’t have happened! You’re a negligent parent!”) The public loves to spread blame around & go “That could never happen to me, I’m smarter than that.”
Oct 24, 2022 24 tweets 10 min read
@adybpt I’m like 70% confident it’s real based on the number of conversations I’ve had with parents at cons explaining the shit I’ve been through. They are flabbergasted when they hear the details they had no idea any of this was a thing, even though they are nerdy parents at a con. @adybpt And that makes sense. Working parents don’t have much time to engage in fandom online they are busy working, taking care of their kids, trying to get through life and maybe carve out an hour in the evening to watch a show they enjoy.
Oct 23, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
I can attest to this. Only way I was able to “recover” from my ED was to never allow myself to even glance at nutrition label, step on a scale, or look in a full length mirror for more than 10 seconds & if I break those rules, I find myself back to square 1 after yrs of progress. I say this as someone who is recently back lost in that miserable sauce. I’m so sick of seeing people say my illness illness means I am fatphobic when i know in my heart how not fucking true that is.
Oct 21, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
This morning I learned that Bambi was not an original Disney story. It was a 1923 allegorical novel by a Austrian Jewish author, Felix Salten, about the persecution of Jews. It was banned in Nazi Germany. Salten also wrote a dead dove erotic novel about a child prostitute. Image I am fascinated as fuck
Aug 10, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
So based on the info laid out in this thread, it would seem that the author of the jerkoff article may be an actual MAP/pedo. 😬 Honestly not surprised bc for someone claiming to study shota, he seemed oddly ignorant about it. This section of his journal article raised a big 🚩 for me. For for someone who made a whole documentary about shotacon…how was this a revelation? This is level 1 shota knowledge.

I suspect his “interest” in shota is his cover for trying to find/make contact with other MAPs. Image
Aug 10, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
OOMF in academia looped me into the Qualitative Research article that’s getting dragged. I went in prepared to find people having a moral panic over art. I was not prepared for a PhD student’s masturbation diary being passed of as research. I am so puzzled by what this guy’s rationale was. If I was trying to understand why some people are into a particular type of fetish media, a 90 day 👊🍆💦 challenge using only that media would not be anywhere on my list of approaches.
Aug 8, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
Takes likes “I feel bad about the harassment Luna gets but she’s also super fucking weird/cringe” make me go 🤨🤨🤨.

Bc 99.9% of the time the things I get called weird for is related to my queerness, autism, ADHD, CPTSD, or all of the above. People hate folks who don’t mask. They hate folks who are comfortable with being different.

Maybe you hate that I live authentically bc you don’t allow yourself to do so. Just bc you’re afraid of being weird, doesn’t mean I have to be.
Aug 6, 2022 22 tweets 4 min read
I’m tired of seeing the same arguments against lolisho in my mentions so here’s a thread where I’m gonna respond to these tired talking points in advance. 1️⃣ “What if a child sees this?! This needs to be banned!”

It’s clearly marked 🔞 content. If you say this, imma assume you think ALL porn should be illegal. Don’t want a kid to see porn? Don’t leave it out. Don’t let them into 🔞 spaces. Problem solved.
Jul 31, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Do you think a therapist ever handed Avril Lavigne a copy of the lyrics to Sk8er Boi and said “Let’s unpack this?” 🤔 Clarification: What I was thinking of w/ my tweet was not the surface level “pick me” stuff. It was more of “in this song, what made you take on the perspective of the sk8er boi’s GF? Is there a reason you’re choosing not to see yourself as the protagonist themself?”
Jul 31, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Opening up a bottle of Tamiya gloss for the first time and SMELLING the toxic chemical warning before reading it like Like holy shit P65 warnings are on so many things I’ve been desensitized to them and now I feel like we need P65 and “P65 We’re Fucking Serious” level
Jul 31, 2022 27 tweets 4 min read
I saw that video of some walking around a con holding a sign that said “Fetishizing lolis = pedophilia” and I want to break down why this is just a dog whistle for anti-sex anti-queer media censorship. 🧵 I’m not QRTing the video bc I don’t want the sign-holder to get singled out and harassed even if they’re perpetuating harmful rhetoric.
Jul 29, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Let me show you what I’m talking about re: the problem with a lot of queer youth. Harassing queer 🔞 creators is literally a hobby for them. They are too immature & ignorant to understand the harm they are doing to not just individuals, but the larger LGBTQ+ community. ImageImageImage And why are they hellbent on branding me a pedo?

I drew 🔞 of My Hero Academia characters and I headcanon Bennett from Genshin as 18+.

They think that’s valid grounds to call queer folks pedos as if they aren’t acting as part of the far right.
Jul 10, 2022 23 tweets 4 min read
I am tired of seeing posts from queer folks under 21 mocking older adults who are still figuring out their identities.

I need young queer folks to grasp how different the world was even 10-15 years ago. I grew up in Houston. Was in high school from 2005-09. There were 2k+ students at my HS. I can count the number of openly gay/bi students on 1 hand.

Being gay was peak gossip. If someone was gay, EVERYONE knew about it, even if you knew nothing about that person prior.
Jul 8, 2022 33 tweets 6 min read
🧵 I need to scream on social media for a minute about my tiny taste of how fucking scary it is to be a human with a uterus right now in the US. Texas specifically. I’m 31. Been married for 12 years. Have no kids, never want to have kids. Been taking the pill since I was 14.

When I was 27, I asked my GP about getting my tubes tied. Was told no bc “you might change your mind.” I expected that.
Jun 10, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
So @/FujoCon has made an official statement sent me the following email. I have a lot of thoughts.

In their tweet, the passive language of “an artist was hurt” is very frustrating…
🧵 Image Apologizing vaguely for “pain” is not the same as admitting they stole my art after they jerked me around with the invite/rejection.

In neither their tweet nor their email do they take responsibility for the art theft or admit that it was theft at all.
Jun 10, 2022 19 tweets 7 min read
Several months ago @/FujoCon reached out to me and invited me to apply to their artist alley. I did so. As part of the requested product sample photos I included my “Lol. It’s Porn” pin. They rejected my application. Now they’re planning to sell this. Screenshot and link to tweet where FujoCon states they are fans of my work.
Jun 2, 2022 16 tweets 3 min read
🧵A common theme I’m seeing in reactions to this thread are people assuming all antis are minors, then being shocked when I tell y’all adult antis exist. So I need to talk about this because it’s a huge 🚩 Last year when I started getting harassed, Seth + OOMF made a burner IG accounts to follow a bunch of anti IG accounts. We knew nothing antis at the time and he figured the more we could learn about them directly from the source, the better we’d know how to tackle the harassment.
Jun 1, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
I know ppl who say this mean well, but it’s frustrating to hear “sorry you’ve faced this harassment. I hope you’re okay now.”

I am not okay & probably never will be. The harm that has been done to me is permanent and irreparable. Even once the source of this trauma ends (if it ever ends at all), the trauma will still be here.

I will never feel safe at a convention again. I will never stop worrying if someone is going to show up at my house and try to hurt me. I’ll never be able to let my guard down.
May 31, 2022 21 tweets 5 min read
🧵My year of being harassed by antis (the tl;dr version).

In spring 2021, I noticed several artists I followed were getting intensely harassed on social media for drawing ship art (specifically KaeLuc from Genshin). On May 10, 2021, I made a TikTok joking about making KaeLuc art in solidarity. Here’s the art I made.