We are 6 months deep now, but we need to understand that the #musicindustry contributes significantly towards the UK economy: in 2018 it contributed £5.2 BILLION. ⬇️
Which, when you compare it to the £1.5 Billion the government offered in the July package (which was grants AND loans, btw - OH HELLO MORE DEBT) to the ENTIRE arts and heritage sector, is shocking. Because £1.5 billion is a lot of money, BUT not even 1/3 of what... ⬇️
Jul 2, 2020 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
But when she leaves school... what then? I’ve met lots of music grads who found the music industry environment overwhelming, because it their course did not prepare them for a) how the industry actually works and b) how awful the internal culture actually is.
Just to be clear, @caitlinmoran - I had other careers before and alongside my music industry career, and I often say that the music industry is the least professional industry I’ve ever worked in. ⬇️
Jun 29, 2020 • 10 tweets • 2 min read
I find this statement troubling for the following reasons: 1. Persecution is a strong term for what has happened, and to use the term vaguely without citing a source of the persecution does no-one any favours. If you are talking about The Sun, then yes... (1/10)
... that article was unacceptable. If you are alluding to trans folx defending their human rights which are currently under threat because extended comments (like Rowling’s) equate their very existence with the threat of domestic violence against cis women & children... (2/10)