Open to all, this parent-led group advocates locally across the US for clean indoor air in schools and public places. | Join/info:
Nov 19, 2022 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
This is HUGE: Lancet Covid Commission proposes new minimum ventilation standards.
>6 ACH or >30 cfm/person are best
But one enormous problem remains: how to get schools to do it?
We're a grassroots org working across USA to improve school air quality.
Schools that used ESSER funding to implement proven recommendations from @CDCgov & ASHRAE got less COVID¹ & less education disruption.
Your kids deserve that, too!
Don't settle; join us². We Need To Lead.
1. COVID-19 incidence was... 48% lower in 31 schools that improved ventilation through dilution combined with filtration.