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الحمدلله Islam | Sunnah | Migration | Struggle | Khilafa | Affairs of the Ummah | Ideological Genealogy | Institutional, Socio-Economic, and Policy Analysis
Jan 24 18 tweets 4 min read
It's not an issue of Najd. The old city of Diriyyah is very beautiful.

Rather, it has to do with defying the command of Allah and taking the kuffar as protectors.

The loss of honor and self-esteem that comes with this basically leads to an identity crisis of idealizing... ...or perhaps even idolizing the dominant culture.

First, once you voluntarily enter into an organizational hierarchy (in this case, the Anglo-American international order), you are bound to try to climb the ranks of that hierarchy.
Jan 19 16 tweets 3 min read
I actually spent a couple of years working on developing an alternative to the global financial system.

To summarize the experience, every financing offer I got came with contingencies that would have forced integration with the same system I wanted to get Muslims out of. Also a number of collaborators were pressured to quit by family due to fears about political consequences of being involved in such a project.

This is why I eventually became convinced that military and legal reform must precede financial reform.
Jan 3 15 tweets 4 min read
1. US debt is very real, and it manifests in many ways including a persistent trade deficit. The only reason the US can run this trade deficit is the "exorbitant privilege" of the US dollar as world reserve currency and the petrodollar arrangement. Hence why it is so... Image ...important for the US to protect the Gulf monarchies, and this is part of the role of Israel.

2. In a war of attrition, you don't try to hold territory, but you wear your enemy down to the point of collapse. This is part of the point of forcing increased expenditures on...
Jan 2 20 tweets 4 min read
A thread on some of the strategic logic behind mass casualty attacks on public place from the viewpoint of Islamic terrorism.

Firstly, the principle is that the best defense is a good offense. Forcing Western countries to take a defensive posture ties up resources... ...that could otherwise be used for offensive operations in Muslim countries. For reference, see Operation Sentinelle in France, which was launched in response to the ISIS attacks in Paris and is ongoing until now.

Dec 27, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
One of the reasons some people perceive the ummah as being weak or in a state of defeat or humiliation is a lack of patience which manifests as a short-term vision.

If we cultivate a long-term vision and consider those fighting today to be part of a continuous effort... ...we have not lost the war against the West, but merely suffered some setbacks. The only humiliated ones are those who stopped fighting.

With a long enough perspective, we can already see the tide turning back in our favor.
Dec 27, 2024 11 tweets 2 min read
This issue, related to the issue of legalizing heresy, is the cause of the Orwellian dystopia's we live in today.

When a unified (or at least dominant) belief system becomes the basis of social order and harmony, people self-police for the most part.

/1 Europe decided to throw open the door to heresy in attempt to end religious conflicts, but as with many modern European policies, the gains are short term. As the religious fabric of society unraveled, the role of centralized states became bigger and bigger.

Dec 10, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
I see Israel's invasion of Syria as a great blessing and opportunity.

Gaza is completely cut off, making it impossible for Muslims to travel there to provide support in the form of manpower or materials.

Syria, on the other hand, can now open routes for air travel... ...and possibly import supplies via Turkey. They have also have well developed funding channels independent of the international banking system developed during the years in Idlib, which means that there is real potential for the whole ummah to direct funding there...
Dec 9, 2024 10 tweets 2 min read
What's actually happening is a fall back position by the West.

IS supporters characterize Taliban and HTS as puppets for the West, while their supporters view them as being upon the true Islamic methodology, but the truth lies somewhere in between. Image The West failed to eliminate al Qaeda and ISIS, and one of the chronic problems they faced is that the secular dictators and dysfunctional republics they prop up to counter global jihad have very little credibility with sincere Muslims.
Dec 8, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
It was difficult to sleep last night due to events unfoldong in Syria, but when I did I had some wild dreams.

I was driving to a lake, and on the road there were many stunningly beautiful ancient Arabic or Islamic buildings and houses, all abandoned.

Although they were... ...abandoned, they were built on exposed wooden frames, and the wood was shining and new, as if freshly cut and polished.

The buildings were all cleaned and restored despite being ancient and empty.

After arriving, I joined a group of Muslims who were going out for jihad.
Dec 5, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
Ulema have and have always had great political influence.

The ulema are Islam's equivalent of the "checks and balances" of modern parliamentary systems.

This is also a kind of popular authority. Influential ulema have traditionally gained great respect from the common... ...people by means of their piety and knowledge, and in many cases karamat.

The strong censure in hadith and in narrations from the salaf against scholars who mix with rulers preserves this balance.

It prevents knowledge from being instrumentalized by the state.
Dec 5, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
"Islamic civilization" is not a failure because there is no singular Islamic civilization.

Aside from the fact that the entire modern concept of "civilization" is a colonial mind game developed by Europeans to instill their enemies with an inferiority complex.... ...Islam exists independently of agriculture and urbanization. Islam is a way of life suitable for all places in our era - the era of Islam.

A semi-nomadic tribe, an agricultural society, a mercantile society, or a complex military empire may all be informed by Islam.
Nov 22, 2024 26 tweets 4 min read
*Relationship between local and global struggle - the case of Pakistan*

It's not only because of nuclear weapons that the West is terrified of Pakistan being controlled by Muslims.

Pakistan's biggest export is human resources, without which the West cannot function. This flow of wealth is not only via "brain drain" but also through outsourcing.

The West is terrified of Pakistan falling under the control of Muslims not only because of Pakistan's nuclear arsenal, but also because of disruption of the world market.
Nov 20, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
Theee are 3 routes by which Bitcoin becomes a national reserve asset.

1) Normal analysis of strategic interests (least likely)

2) Lobbying efforts by Bitcoin interest groups (more likely)

3) Insider trading by politicians and heads of state (most likely) In any case, it's absolutely inevitable.

Anyone in any medium to large state who has the power to enact such a policy (whether lobbyists or politicians) can also quietly load up on Bitcoin begore making such an announcement and derive millions or billions in profits.
Nov 11, 2024 11 tweets 2 min read
Two criteria are necessary for a network state to be a genuine expression of Islamic governance:

1) It must not be a net contributor to legal and institutional systems based upon laws other than what Allah revealed.

2) It must not be dependent on disbelievers for its survival. If these criteria are not fulfilled, an Islamic network state would fall into the same trap as most Islamist political projects of the last century.

1) Bringing benefit to the Muslims at the price of greater benefit to the disbelievers.

2) Deepening dependence on disbelievers.
Oct 31, 2024 10 tweets 2 min read
This is nothing short of conscious, legal market manipulation and it's 100% guaranteed to work, and it can only work with an asset like Bitcoin.

Everyone who realizes what he is doing is first going to feel like an idiot for not thinking of it first, and then attempt... ...to do the same thing.

Eventually this will result in a collapse in the price not only of major currencies, but also commodities such as gold and real estate.

This is just another iteration of the same pattern I've been commenting on for the past 10 years.
Oct 15, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
Many Islamic reminders accounts talk about the importance of controlling your anger and not getting angry. This is important, but most of them rarely mention two things:

1) that anger for the sake of Allah is praiseworthy

2) that jihad fi sabilillah is a way to reduce anger Jihad is not only beneficial for reducing anger, but also for alleviating all kinds of psychological problems, including depression.

Ibn al Qayyim rahimullah writes:

تأثير الجهاد في دفع الهم والغم, فأمر معلوم بالوجدان, فإن النفس متى تركت صائل الباطل وصولته واستيلاءه...
Oct 8, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
The question "Should Muslims ally with the Shia?" should never be discussed without also asking "Will the Muslims be able to survive the assault by the Shia after the alliance runs its course?"

If you consider this question, it will become clear that the Shia always... ...have the eventual betrayal of the Muslims in the back of their mind, and that they do not enter into a deal to provide meaningful support to the Muslims except that the deal favors them more, ie. contributes to their plan to eventually gain dominance over the Muslims.
Oct 7, 2024 10 tweets 2 min read
Every system has a hierarchy.

One of the many reasons there can never be an Islamic nation-state is because nation-states comprise a system with a hierarchy, and the higher ranking nation-states are explicitly anti-Islamic.

This means that entering into the nation-state... ...system means accepting an inferior and subordinate position in the international hierarchy.

By contrast, when rejecting the nation-state system and establishing an Islamic system, instances of the Islamic system do not exist in reference to nation-states.
Sep 29, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
I've never actually seen the "axis of resistance" types who claim to be Sunni explain how they justify backing Assad.

Do they say backing Nusayri crimes was "worth it" to counter the West?

Or do they deny it all and call it fake news?

Seems like another symptom of the... ...disease of nationalism. Getting tunnel vision to the point where Palestinian lives become more important than all other Muslim lives.

Rafidha probably killed ten times more Muslims than Israel did, and also stole ten times more land, how are Shia not hated more?
Aug 23, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
What happens to US statistics if we consider unborn babies to be people and abortions to be murder?

Including unborn babies, the US had ~1,048,000 murders or 317.5 murders per 100,000, by far the highest murder rate worldwide.

What about life expectancy? Last year 3,090,000 people died in the US with average life expectancy of 76.3 years. Including unborn babies, 4,116,000 people died.

Assuming an average age of 0.3 years for the unborn babies killed, average life expectancy was 57.3 years.
Aug 15, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
I spoke with a Yemeni brother who took US citizenship recently.

I asked him if he realizes that this means he is obligated to serve in the military in case of general mobilization.

His reply was a sly "What will happen if I refuse?" I said that then you would be liar in front of Allah.

In this dilemma lies the impossibility of Muslims truly integrating into the fabric of American society. If you want to enjoy the privileges of citizenship, you must be prepared to bear its responsibilities.