Lung Care Foundation Profile picture
A non-profit organization working towards Care & Cure of 2.8 billion lungs in India with key focus on Clean Air, Asthma Control and Lung Cancer.
Nov 7, 2024 10 tweets 2 min read
Air pollution is more than just a respiratory issue. #DFCA health expert, Dr. @SundeepSalvi, a renowned pulmonologist and director of @PulmocareF, reveals: "Air pollution plays a major role in sudden heart attacks and strokes."

Hop on to the #Thread🧵 to review the key takeaways from his recent interview…

#heartattack #stroke @CleanAirFund @HCWHGlobal @HCWHeurope @hcwhasia @JoshKarliner @IPCC_CH @CemShweta @GCHAlliance @CPR_Climate @MoHFW_INDIA @moefcc 1/ Air pollution claimed 21 lakh Indian lives in 2021 alone. Toxic air not only impacts our lungs but also raises the risk of heart attacks, stroke, and even childhood obesity.

Dec 29, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Ending #2023 on an optimistic note. A thread on our action-packed checklist and join the #DoctorsforCleanAirandClimateAction clan. Image Image