Idan Beck Profile picture
Co-founding @epochml w Akash Bhatia! Prev: @unity3d, @IGMRIT, @SandboxVR, @dreamgarageinc, @Hacksterio
Aug 4, 2020 25 tweets 5 min read
Lots of folks are saying Silicon Valley is dead or dying, and I'm tempted to agree with them - and might yet before this is all over /thread I moved to the bay area as a 5 year old, my parents coming here to ride the wave of the PC revolution that led to software, internet, mobile etc - Already obsessed with technology it was an amazing time to be here. It was a deep-set passion for people - it wasn't "cool" yet /
Dec 1, 2019 18 tweets 4 min read
Starting an exciting new chapter today that I’m excited to share soon - but it will involve a fair bit of international travel. Kicking it off this Sunday at the airport and my old travel habits still seem to be in tact - so without further ado, here my abridged travel guide / Airport travel, to me, is ultimately an exercise in Zen and accepting things that you cannot control. You can’t control the people around you, if traveling internationally you will be meshing through cultures that may be complete opposites to yours. You can’t fly the plane etc /