Kwame Sarfo-Mensah 🇬🇭🇺🇸 Profile picture
Founder of Identity Talk Consulting, LLC. | Middle School Math Educator | Teacher Development Specialist | Author
HarrisWalz2024 💙💙💙 Profile picture 1 subscribed
Jul 12, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
Not that it should be a shock at this point but for those who are outraged and tripping over the racist comments towards the Black players on the English National Football Team, let’s be clear….. Throughout history, there have been countless white folx who only loved our Black athletes when they PERFORM & WIN or SHUCK ‘N’ JIVE. They love them when it’s mutually beneficial and convenient for them. When they lose though, that’s when they really show their true colors.
Jul 11, 2021 10 tweets 2 min read
Although being a critical race scholar is not a requirement, you should still strive to read as many CRT books as you can grab. If you are still unsure about whether you’re applying a critical race lens to your teaching practice, here are a few questions to ask yourself: 1. Are you actively challenging racist policies and protocols that dehumanize marginalize students of color in your school?
Jul 11, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
Although I firmly believe that CRT provides a necessary lens for how racism shows up in our school systems, I’ve come to realize that the term itself has become a huge distraction for many of us educators. The racist gaslighting and fearmongering tactics of mainly right-wingers and conservatives has placed many of us in a perpetual and unnecessary state of “analysis paralysis” about how to use CRT in our classrooms.