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Live in Stamford Hill; Breathe the world "Infamous Jewish internet blogger"(Jewish Tribune) "N16 deep throat"; "key worker" (Norman Lebrecht, JC)
May 1, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
So according to Broche Simeh Teitelbaum, dil of Ahroini Satmar Rebbe, the purpose of a woman is to serve her husband and which local women have of late apparently been neglecting. Her speech to frogmarched mums, young wives and "ex-sem girls" comes after spate of local divorces According to one such ex-sem girl, of 12 marriages in her school class, 6 have divorced. And according to Teitelbaum the women are to blame for not serving their husbands adequately and being too much into their friends, with dark hints of where female friendships may lead
Apr 26, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
🧵 Though not too great a zionist myself, I challenge any Charedi to come up with a coherent argument why NOT to thank Hashem today on Yom Haatzmaut. I'm not getting into hallel and leining etc. You can hardly blame communities that haven't instituted any religious memorial... ...for the Holocaust for refusing to add a Jewish Holiday to the calendar. But Israel for all its faults is where Jews turned to after the great catastrophe and where any Jew can turn to in times of trouble. If you read of refugee problems in Ukraine, Sudan and other conflicts...
Apr 24, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Word in town that meetings to which mums, ex-sem girls and "young wifelets" (ak collectievly as women or 'ladies') is about girls delaying - shock, horror - marrying and enjoying r"l life after sem with their own earnings and without overlords & underlings. Some - look away NOW- ... are even becoming attracted to their own. Need I say more? A similar meeting was held in Williamsburg and there are those at our highest levels who feel inferior if we're not in lockstep with the Brooklyn holies. So the pink and the peach were imported, "invitations" issued,
Apr 18, 2023 15 tweets 3 min read
When we were kids (and I don't think it's much different now) Holocaust education was non-existent. We knew the details from our parents and from grandparents (the few who had them) but it was all one big muddle. I knew my father had been in Auschwitz and contracted typhus later but the stories he told were of stealing food, making a complaint to Mengele, reciting a gemore on the way to the gas chambers from which he was de-selected while others were making confessions and other heroics. We of course knew the 6 million number but the rest was a blur
Apr 3, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
This case like no other tells you all you need to know about how Charedistan treats abuse while wrapped in its stinking fake pious cloak of kedushe. Rabbis, Rebbes, politicians, arsekonim as far apart as Oz and Israel were all complicit in trying to deny Leifer's victims justice By ensuring Leifer took the first plane out when her abuse was uncovered, by raising funds to prevent her extradition, by settling her in another community, by threatening psychiatrists to certify her unfit to stand trial and by doing all they could to ensure she went scot free
Feb 7, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
"more women get refusers" means little without knowing more, especially average refusal-period duration. However, even if your statistics are right it's still a gender issue. If get refusal is a prison, then men do time in an open prison compared to solitary confinement for women Frum men without a partner are able to attend a social club, otherwise known as shul, 3 times daily. Women don't have that and are nebechs in a way men are not. Men have dozens of events from tsholent fress ups to receptions and simches that aren't available to women
Jan 18, 2023 23 tweets 4 min read
On the subject of agunot/chained women, the almost reflexive reaction in frum communities is "but haloche..." followed by an expression of powerlessness against the Torah position that only a man can divorce... 1/23 ...which often quickly moves on to feminism with a knowing sneer and a healthy dose of whataboutism on the status of women and decadence in Western societies. So let's be clear that there is far more to it /2
Jan 11, 2023 17 tweets 6 min read
🧵EPIC epic win for Stamford Hill girls & parents - Years of scheming at Yesodey Hatorah Senior Girls School finally hit the buffers as voluntary aided YHS ordered by the Schools Adjudicator to increase Published Admission Number (PAN) by TEN new places gov.uk/government/pub… The significance of this decision cannot be overstated and so long that there aren't more than 80 applicants EVERY SINGLE APPLICANT will get in. While there have been 80 girls in the past this is generally not the case. 2/
Jan 7, 2023 26 tweets 5 min read
🧵Friday night popped into first shul I came across on Golders Green Rd Imrei Shofer for Kabolas Shabbos. Modern-ish non-chasidish shtiebel likes of which barely exist in Stamford Hill these days. The rov himself approached me after davening to ask if I have where to eat. ThankU! Thankfully, I was at a Bar Mitzvah in lower basement of new R. Bassous shul where there was abundance of good food and fine wine. Must have dug down a mile as 2 floors underground and still v. high ceilings. Mixed feelings on shul from outside though stands out for size and looks
Dec 12, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
For some Stamford Hill think, read on: This guy, let's call him Boruch Yitzchok Grunfeld (apologies if you carry that name, it's not you), meets me and says he heard my droshe and fine, but "What do you have out of it?" He tried putting himself in my position and asked himself... "What has Boruch Yitzchok Grunfeld got to do with Chaim Halpern? What difference can I make to this?" Now arguments take time plus it's far more difficult to persuade someone whose mode of thinking is on a totally different plane. I said, rather than answer let me challenge the q
Nov 16, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
🧵Switching from coffee & cake abroad to the far more pressing issue at home of Chaim Halpern in the news again. You'd be right wondering, is this for real? Can it really be that this guy with all the rumours and reports swirling about him is still having women "sent" to him? Small explainer on the term "sent". Round here girls and women especially, but boys and young guys too, who have "problems", which can be anything from theological to psychosexual, are "sent" to local fixers. Referrals are for experts and specialists,
Nov 15, 2022 17 tweets 4 min read
As the world makes a cheshbon hanefesh whether to leave twitter or stay I might as well join in the fun, maybe even to wipe my tweets with my tears in the manner of tzadikim. I came to twitter not to "join the conversation" or change the world but simply to retain my sanity In a community where divergence equals sin and conformity is what you strive for, twitter permits me to be myself. To speak my thoughts, vent my anger, crack my jokes and ventilate my heresies. You think my anger is sad, my jokes suck, my heresies, well, heresy? That's fine.
Dec 27, 2021 12 tweets 2 min read
What many of the Charedi reactions to Walder's suicide show is a fundamental immaturity, low EI, if not an absence of empathy. Let's set aside our North Korean press and their silence on the terrible accusations against Walder - one website spoke of him as an "educator" no less We can also safely ignore the conspiracy theorists who've generally been working overtime of late so another conspiracy is no big deal. I'm not even referring to the innocent until guilty brigade as if Walder had been incarcerated or worse for crimes he hadn't been convicted of
Feb 7, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
1. Rav Chaim Wosner who passed away today of covid at 83 was born in 1938 in Bratislava (Pressburg). His parents left for Israel when he was a few months old and hoped to arrange for him to follow but then war broke out. He was reunited with his parent only several years later 2. Reb Chaim served as Rov of Satmar here in London from 1991(2?) for about 18 years. He wasn't too popular in Satmar itself where he was considered aloof, inflexible and too preoccupied with communal affairs. However he was hugely respected in the wider Stamford Hill community.
May 26, 2020 14 tweets 3 min read
OTD 3 Sivan 5704 - 25 May 1944 at about 4am the train reached its final destination carrying my father and his family. Even had they known where they were, the place name of Auschwitz wouldn't have meant anything to them. Nothing initially happened and they waited /1 It was still dark and as my father's cousin put it, they needed daylight for the selection. As it got light, the carriages were opened and the 'kanada' prisoner division made up of Polish Jews came on and told them to place all bags on a pile /2