Ilya Grigorik Profile picture
Principal Engineer, @Shopify. On a mission to make commerce better for everyone.
Nov 8, 2021 11 tweets 3 min read
Meet Hydrogen: A React Framework For Dynamic, Contextual, and Personalized E-Commerce

But really, why did Shopify build a React framework? 🧐

Allow me a quick rant… Working with millions of merchants, including many of the most innovative+demanding, has proven to us time and time again that commerce is dynamic at the core.

Reasons are legion: i18n; large catalogs & variant permutations; contextual pricing (loyalty, promos...); a/b tests...
May 9, 2019 5 tweets 4 min read
Second day of #io19 is an embarrassment of webperf riches...

- Firebase launches (free) real user perf monitoring for the web.. \o/
- Search Console announced new Speed Report, powered by CrUX data
- Performance budget (Lightwallet) support coming to Lighthouse

wait, more... Google Fonts announced upcoming support for font-display! This will allow you to specify own font render policy for fonts hosted on— a muuuuch requested feature. So excited to see this.

Great explainer @
May 8, 2019 5 tweets 2 min read
First day of #io19 is a wrap. So many awesome highlights, but if I had to choose just one amongst many..

Googlebot running latest Chromium and now also on the evergreen track (blog post @ takes the cake. Not only is it a huge win for web developers... no more transpiling of ES6 and thousands of web features that no longer require polyfilling or other gnarly workarounds, but also a huge win for the end users, who can now enjoy faster and more optimized experiences — many sites shipped same transpiled code to everyone...