Isabelle Guinaudeau Profile picture
Political scientist, CNRS researcher at @SciencesPo_CEE working on party competition and comparative politics
Jun 9, 2024 13 tweets 3 min read
After his party's defeat and a historical score of the far-right at the European elections (37%!), Macron just announced that he dissolves parliament. 🧵… This decision comes at a surprise and looks like an incredibly risky gambling move. Given the score of the far-right, is Macron ready to risk starting a cohabitation with Marine Le Pen as a prime minister 4 weeks from now?
Sep 29, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
#GermanElection2021 FDP and Greens have begun to negotiate, FDP leaders underline that a Jamaica coalition is not excluded at this stage. While most Germans favor an "Ampel" with the SPD, a majority of FDP voters prefers governing with CDU.… Patterns of policy convergence and divergence look very different on socio-economic and other issues, as shown by this summary of emblematic positions I have taken from party manifestos.
Sep 28, 2021 13 tweets 4 min read
L'élection allemande (suite) : les résultats de l'élection La participation électorale est élevée et en légère hausse, à 76.6%, reflétant la perception d’enjeux importants et d’alternatives relativement marquées, mais aussi l’envie de renouvellement.…
Sep 28, 2021 22 tweets 4 min read
Un petit thread sur l’élection allemande de dimanche : c’est long mais vous saurez l’essentiel ! Le contexte : l’Allemagne sortait de huit ans de « grande coalition » entre Chrétiens-démocrates (CDU) et Sociaux-démocrates (SPD).