Investigative Journalism Reportika Profile picture
Exposing untold truths from Asia, Africa, and the USA. Investigations that challenges power, and demands accountability. #FollowUs #MAGA #Investigative
Jun 14, 2023 22 tweets 24 min read
1. A thread analysis of #Argentina-#China relations through our previous reports, reports from our on-ground reporters, and SM influencers.

Argentina already has a base operated by the #Chinese military in the province of #Neuquén. Image 2. Now plans to add a port for #Beijing in the #RíoGrande, on the continent's southern tip.

The location of Rio Grande is of extreme strategic importance and crucial for the world in general. Image
May 28, 2023 24 tweets 25 min read
1. We have come out with our grand report titled :

"The BRI Status: A Grand Report" on Its Present and Future.

Here is a thread on the same.
#BRI #China


@ShawnG927 @jenny_kjacobs @tiffanymeier_ @NoCCPGenocide @UMM1776 The status of the Belt and ... 2. "The #BRI Status: A Grand Report on Its Present and Future" sheds light on numerous challenges faced by BRI like:
cost overruns,
environmental damage,
funding issues,
repeated delays,
lack of progress,
and poor quality of development.
@Santos4Congress Image
Jan 19, 2023 24 tweets 31 min read
1. #China has been involved in illegal fishing in #EEZ of over 80 countries with over 10 million hrs of fishing.

This is a mega report and tweet thread on #Chinese illegal fishing in world's oceans and its impacts.

Read/download the complete report:… 2. The #Chinese fleet is often found guilty of #overfishing,
killing protected species,
falsifying licenses and docs,
seizing territories &
producing tons of sea #waste.

Read/download the complete report:…
