Irvin Yeager Profile picture
Married, 3 adult kids, Chickasaw, and WASP. Anti-Surpemecy anything. Truth, Justice, Honesty, Faith, Honor, and Compassion do matter. My writings are my own.
Apr 29, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
There is only one reason to have high-capacity magazines and that is if we are at war and the enemy is in our front yard. Further, we do not need fully automatic weapons. The military with regards to rifles uses semi-auto over 97% @threadreaderapp UNROLL of the time, auto burns too much ammunition. Semi-automatic weapons have been used by civilians for over a 100 years. The first mass shooting I member were done by people with bolt action rifles acting as snipers and illegally obtained weapons.
Apr 9, 2021 6 tweets 4 min read
Biden Announces Gun Control Executive Actions, Says Second Amendment Not ‘Absolute’… via @Yahoo
These executive orders will not address gun violence in fact we need to address violence in the nation as a whole. People are the @threadreaderapp unroll
problem. Do people really think that taking guns away will stop violence? It will not. What would come next, bows and arrows, spears, axes, swords, knives, clubs, rocks, or maybe even our hands? We have an angry nation that is filled with hate, stress, and uncertainty.
Jul 25, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
It is the Nation I born in, lived in, served here, and abroad.
Once I felt pride now I feel shame. This not the nation members of my family fought for and or died for. It has become cruel, piety, and vindictive to the foreigner and
@threadreaderapp unroll our own. My nation has become a place to kill the dreamer's dream, to bury a man debt and debt is slavery.
We have seest to lead but how can anyone lead when there is no light and our leaders have into practice the very things that our enemies
Jul 19, 2020 9 tweets 4 min read
1/9 This is flagrant LIE you demon spawn!! You Godless TRUMP REPUBLICANS have done more harm to the Nation and the US Constitution than I dreamed was possible. I am a former Republican
1. You do not defend the Constitution you abuse it.
@threadreaderapp unroll 2/9 2. Globalism you keep giving tax breaks and benefits to those who have left our economy in shambles and taken jobs overseas at 10 cents an hour.
3. We do not need a WALL to protect our border we have a desert.
4. There has never been open immigration in my lifetime
Jun 28, 2020 5 tweets 3 min read
1st we know Trump (w/19K+ lies) and his Admin lie about most things, so it is easy to figure they are lying about when they knew about the Russian bounty on US and Allied Troops. We have to face the fact that we have a
@threadreaderapp unroll weak and corrupt President and Admin. As for what to do about this? Burn the Taliban poppy fields, hunt down anyone involved in this bounty program tried and executed assuming they are guilty.