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Data Analyst. Writer. #LFC. #MMA. Angry Nigerian
Apr 24, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Let me tell you people how Tinubu’s tenure will go. It’s so easy to predict.
1. In June, subsidy will be removed. This will trigger inflation never seen in Nigeria before. I see people refer to transportation costs (for humans), but it’s a lot more than that. 2. Goods also travel. The cost of transporting goods will rise and sellers will transfer this to the prices of their goods. So expect everyday goods to rise sharply.
3. Cost of production will also rise. Companies that run on generators will raise their prices to break even.
Jan 28, 2021 25 tweets 5 min read
So here is a simple thread explaining the GameStop controversy. First we must understand that shares mean ownership of a company. People buy and sell shares in the financial market. So if I buy 100 shares from apple, I am now a part owner of apple but I own a very very tiny part of the company. Prices of shares are determined like prices of other products. Demand and supply,
Feb 15, 2020 16 tweets 3 min read
Here is logical thread of why you do not kill private businesses and replace them with "Government alternatives." I will show you through your own behaviour why it never ever works.
Thread: If you go to the market to buy a shirt for yourself. You are thinking of two things. The price and the quality. The price because it is your money and the quality because you are going to use the shirt. You want to get the highest quality for the lowest price possible.
Feb 11, 2019 24 tweets 5 min read
I was watching the #RubbinMinds debate and @ebuka asked a question on Atiku's policies being for the rich/middle class. I was hoping the brilliant @YarKafanchan and @DemolaRewaju would address this extensively but I guess there was no time to. Here's my feeble attempt.
Thread. I remember watching election night on CNN between Donald Trump and Clinton with my dad. We were up through the night watching Wolf and Co. Analyze the results as they came in. I liked Trump but wanted Hilary to win. I liked Trump because I had always admired him before
Dec 7, 2018 4 tweets 1 min read
#tradermoni is a brilliant sentimental plan. It appeals to the poor and uneducated because they don't know any better. Sharing 10k to 5m people when 89m people live in extreme poverty makes no economic sense. that is 300m down the drain all in the name of poverty alleviation. "At least this government is remembering the poor." No, they are not. They are taking advantage of their ignorance. There is nowhere in the world that poverty has been alleviated through the sharing of money as little as 28 dollars.