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Eye Shot Ya! Sick and tired of being tired and sick! I’d rather click than Twit. Black Jack of all trades. Created to Create. Cross Examiner…
Jan 14, 2021 14 tweets 3 min read
Thread: Can we be honest for a brief moment? There are 5 main arguments believers are having about racism. The conflict over race is not about CRT and its validity. The (1st) conflict is really over the evidence that proves or disproves the existence of systemic racism What I mean is, who’s/what evidence is empirical to prove or disprove the existence of systemic racism? For those who affirm CRT, it is proof. And others go to Civil Rights Legislation for disproof. Saying that “Systemic Racism” ended in the 1964 Civil Rights
Oct 13, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
Fundamentalism is s as greater threat to the gospel than CRT for a number of reasons. Here’s two:

1. Fundamentalism hides behind what Jesus did and ignores what Jesus said

2. Fundamentalism pits Jesus against Paul and has created a false dichotomy for Christian living 1/ Fundamentalism will say, “Preach the gospel!” But will ignore the ethical command to love even your enemies. So they think that bcuz they preach Christ crucified that they are fulfilling the Great Commission. When in reality they “neglect the weightier matters of the Law.” 2/
Sep 9, 2020 19 tweets 4 min read
I’ve been hearing a lot of ppl call what’s happening now the Neo-Civil Rights movement. I’ve heard it called the Cultural Marxist/Neo-Bolshevik Movement. I’ve heard it called a bunch of other things, a mixture of sorts, and I’m left to wonder, is that what is really happening? 1/ I think there is a significant misdiagnosis of what’s going on and that’s contributing to a lot of the confusion. What we’re seeing is definitely something new but this is not a new civil rights movement. It’s something much deeper 2/
Aug 18, 2020 25 tweets 5 min read
1/Quite a few ppl asked questions that I didn’t get to answer on my “How did we get here” thread I posted last week. By “here,” I mean the public vitriol within the church over the issue of race and justice. I want to address a deeper reason for what happened, starting from ‘08. 2/At T4G ‘08 Thabiti, the only black pastor in the speaking group, gave a sermon on the issue of race. But it wasn’t a white privilege sermon. In fact, he taught that race, as we knew it at that time, was not a biblical concept. Ethnicity was the point of Genesis 10, not race.
Aug 12, 2020 22 tweets 4 min read
1/ With all the vitriol going back and forth between ideologies it can be easy to forget how we got here. I remember when everyone from Johnny Mac to Thabiti to Voddie Baucham to John Piper were all relatively friendly. People weren’t thinking of power structures at all. 2/ But there was a way to do things, a way to talk about things, a way to emphasize things, essentially a way to apply the gospel. It wasn’t bad. It was just that unity got confused with uniformity. When 9/11 happened, the country shifted from racism to terrorism.