Member of Parliament for P102 Bangi Selangor, Malaysia;
La Salle PJ;
Former Deputy Minister of Int'l Trade & Industry, Malaysia.
Jan 4, 2024 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
Berdasarkan data di #PADU, saya masih lagi bujang, masih lagi kerja kat @MITIMalaysia, kelayakan tertinggi adalah sijil sahaja...
Isu bukan sama ada nak edit atau tidak. Untuk butiran yang dynamic seperti majikan dan pendidikan, mmg boleh update sendiri. Tapi utk buitran yang lebih tetap, seperti kahwin atau bujang, sistem PADU yang integrated (termasuk @jpnhqofficial) sepatutnya isikan maklumat yang tepat.
Sep 13, 2022 • 22 tweets • 13 min read
1) Starting a thread of my evaluation of 200 Govt Mobile Apps. Released a media statement on this yesterday. Tagging @MAMPUJPM in this thread since this agency is the main coordinator of ICT policy for the govt of Malaysia.…@MAMPUJPM 2) My interest in evaluating govt mobile apps started after my colleague @WongShuQi asked a parliamentary question on this matter & received a reply that there were 200 apps which had been created by Govt agencies.
1) Starting a thread to explain the difference in declaring today's public holiday in KL under Section 9 of the Holidays Act 1951 (which is what the Minister did) versus under Section 8 of the HA 1951 (which is what is traditionally used). 2) If the holiday in KL was declared under Section 8 of the HA 1951, it would have the equivalence of a gazetted public holiday as per Section 60(D) of the Employment Act, meaning any employer in KL would have to treat today's holiday like a paid public holiday.
Nov 5, 2021 • 15 tweets • 19 min read
1) Thread to fact check @weekasiongmp's statements during Tuesday's debate with @guanenglim on the undersea submarine cable repair cabotage policy... (henceforth cabotage policy)
@weekasiongmp@guanenglim 2) WKS wanted to create the impression that the Apricot cable project only had one owner, NTT, but why did he leave out the fact that Google, Face, PLDT & Chunghwa Telecom were also shareholders? The reasons were clear later in the debate...
1. Operation Surge Capacity (OSC) begins today. Aim is to vaccinated all adults in the Klang Valley with at least 1 dose of the COVID19 vaccine. 15 new PPVs opened including Setia Eco Templer, Gamuda Garden, IIUM (Gombak) & Bangi Convention Center (BCC) @Khairykj@JKJAVMY@Khairykj@JKJAVMY 2. New PIKAS sites for vaccination of industry workers will also be opened including Wisma Hua Zhong in Balakong, Hulu Langat. 150k workers to be vaccinated in one week. #OSC
Mar 30, 2021 • 5 tweets • 3 min read
Since i've been talking about FDI, let's start a thread on investments in data centers in Malaysia.
1) In Feb, at the launch of the Msia Digital Economy Blueprint, PM TSMY announced the conditional approval for Google, AWS, Microsoft to build datacenters…2) These "cloud service providers (CSP) are expected to invest between RM12-15 billion during the next five years, equating to approximately US$3-3.7 billion."
I haven't checked but I am not aware of any of these companies making public announcements of such commitments.
Mar 2, 2021 • 12 tweets • 9 min read
1) Going to start a thread on why I urge the govt to allow cinemas to reopen again, slowly and carefully
Please RT if you agree with the points I will make in this thread
@GSCinemas@TGVCinemas 2) If you are not aware, GSC and TGV cinemas have been closed since the start of the MCO 2.0. MBO, a smaller cinema chain, announced the closure of ALL of their cinemas last Oct & the company has gone into liquidation.
The industry has suffered greatly under the COVID crisis.
Sep 11, 2020 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
1) I was surprised to receive a "Notice of Demand, Cease & Decist and Intimation of Legal Proceedings" from lawyers representing Dato Gail Phang, Senior Vice President of @Limkokwing_MY on the 4th of September, 2020.
2) In this letter, Dato Gail's lawyers purports that published / republished a tweet that is deemed as defamatory "which could be accessed by the entire nation and the world". I reproduce this tweet below...
Aug 26, 2020 • 6 tweets • 4 min read
545k was spent on a Young CEO Summit 2018 for Youtubers under MITI's direct nego list of contracts but according to this facebook page, this event was organized in March 2018, before GE14...…@DarellLeiking RM5.999m was spent on an event called Himpunan Usahawan Bumiputera (HUB) under MITI's direct nego list of contracts but this event took place in March 2018, again, before GE14...
1. Short thread on my thoughts on Jalil Rasheed (ex-PNB CEO) and his UOL / LSE degree.
2. Before I go into the technicalities on the degree, we should ask the bigger question - why did this suddenly become an issue? Was it because of his job performance? Or cos he was asking questions which made certain people uncomfortable? This is more impt than the degree issue.
Feb 27, 2020 • 6 tweets • 6 min read
Was on @BFMradio to explain why PH nominated @anwaribrahim as our PM candidate. In my view, this does not constitute a U-turn. We thank @chedetofficial for not agreeing to form a govt with UMNO & PAS for principled reason. This is why we asked him to from a new PH govt. (1)@BFMradio@anwaribrahim@chedetofficial But when he informed PH leaders that he wanted to form a government of individuals not of parties, it was clear that this was an unworkable proposal. This new govt would not have any obligations to the GE14 PH Manifesto & is against the mandate of the people in GE14. (2)
Sep 6, 2018 • 33 tweets • 8 min read
Will be tweeting some thoughts on my visit to the Malaysia China Kuantan Industrial Park (MCKIP) here today. Please RT if you are interested in reading about this project (it's more than just the so-called "Great Wall of China"!) #MCKIP
Whenever the Kuantan Industrial Park is mentioned in popular conversation, the discussion inevitably gets steered towards the so-called “Great Wall of China” that surrounds the massive Alliance Steel complex.
May 21, 2018 • 13 tweets • 5 min read
Time to tweet out some of my past media statements on the budget and govt debt to set the context on how much 'cleaning up' we need to do with regards to the govt's balance sheet.
The most recent statement shows how much of debt repayment is 'hidden' in payments other than debt servicing including the infamous Pembinaan PFI.…
May 20, 2018 • 28 tweets • 8 min read
Going to start a thread on the Youth and Sports Ministry / Kementerian Belia & Sukan. This is NOT an attempt to lobby publicly for a position. At the end of the thread, I will give my views on who I think is the most suitable replacement for @Khairykj as the Minister of Y&S.
First of all, I don't think you need to be a sportsman / woman to be an effective Minister for Y&S. But you have to be interested in sports (or at least some sports) for you to understand what it would take to develop & grow sports in Msia.
Apr 25, 2018 • 24 tweets • 7 min read
Tiba masanya utk memberi satu contoh 'approach' saya utk memahami dan cuba menyelesaikan masalah tempatan di kawasan #P102Serdang selepas saya menjadi ahli parlimen di tahun 2014 #startthread
Pada awal tahun 2014, kawasan Balakong & Hulu Langat mengalami gangguan air yang sangat serius, ada tempat takde air utk 1 minggu. Selain drp tindakan pengagihan air yang diketuai oleh ADUN Balakong @eddiengtienchee, saya telah cuba utk memahami punca gangguan air.
Apr 24, 2018 • 28 tweets • 10 min read
Saya nak mulakan satu thread baru utk memberi huraian yg lebih lanjut mengenai ciri2 kerusi parlimen #P102Bangi yang mungkin tidak diketahui orang ramai... Harap pengundi di kerusi ni boleh RT... #P102Bangi adalah P102Serdang sebelum persempadanan semula yang baru2 ini telah di'bulldoze'kan dlm parlimen Msia... Di bawah kerusi P102 Serdang, ada 3 kerusi DUN iaitu N26 Bangi, N27 Balakong dan N28 Seri Kembangan... Pada PRU13, jumlah pengundi P102 Serdang = 133,139 pengundi.
Apr 13, 2018 • 16 tweets • 7 min read
Going to start a thread on how runners were not given their prize money in a BN-UMNO organized running event - The Sungai Buloh Night Run 2018.
On the 10th Feb 2018, a no of BN-linked organizations including (i) Sekretariat Guru Aktif 1 Selangor (GA1S), Paya Jaras (ii) Jawatankuasa Perwakilan Penduduk Parlimen Subang & (iii) Koordinator Pembangunan Persekutuan DUN N38 Paya Jaras organized the Sungai Buloh Night Run 2018.