Imran Siddiquee Profile picture
writer/filmmaker/speaker on race/gender/pop culture | communications at @blackstarfest @seen_journal | they/them
May 20, 2018 6 tweets 2 min read
Folks like Jordan Peterson present their man-tastic vision of society as speaking to some buried elemental truth about humanity when in reality it is just openly a reflection of the status quo. Which is why their solution to a world overrun with manliness is just more manliness. “The masculine spirit is under assault. It’s obvious," he says, because yeah a man can never be man enough within patriarchy, you must constantly prove your manhood, and you will never feel secure about your "masculine spirit." This *is* obvious and everyday -- but it's not new.
Apr 9, 2018 5 tweets 2 min read
Yes Apu was applauded back then, but by whom? In fact, those white Emmy voters likely *still* applaud Apu and think his accent is inoffensive. Those facts didn’t change, it’s just that the people being mocked and othered are being heard a bit more... Like I’m pretty sure The Simpsons never did a survey on Apu from the perspective of South Asian Americans. So to insist that Apu was ever “inoffensive” in the past is just insisting on maintaining the perspective of whiteness. Which is of course the underlying point.