Irina Nazarova Profile picture
CEO @evilmartians, co-founder @any_cable.
Aug 14 6 tweets 2 min read
An unplanned TestProf Launch Week is happening on !

Daniel Farina's talk yesterday about the benefits of the unconventionally high test coverage (100%) was to warm you up for this: write tests and then make them run fast, with @palkan_tula's TestProf.
Image How long does your test suite run? Check some stats and solutions (TestProf) inside this first introductory post:…
Aug 14 6 tweets 2 min read
“Through the acquisition of @heroku #Ruby on #Rails funded @YCombinator from 2010 for about five years” — @snowmaker at the Ruby at YC meetup right now 🔥 Image Ubicloud CTO and the mastermind behind Heroku @danfarina preaching unconventional engineering excellence inspired by #Ruby and #Roda. Image