Jacky Chou (buying online businesses up to $1m) Profile picture
We buy and operate incredible online businesses in public. Click "view more" to see what we do 👇
sbeazer Profile picture Debo Adebayo Profile picture TechGiant Lol Profile picture Virtual Media Net Profile picture 4 subscribed
Jun 13, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
Big ups to the beast that is @MaxxChewning, this YouTuber launched a product that he loves to eat and something he's proud of (SOUR STRIPS).

We went into the nitty gritty of his candy business and his launch strategy (secret SAUCE included!):
Image @MaxxChewning Spotify:

Google Podcast:

Apple Podcast:
Jun 13, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
$2800/day in the middle of summer in the home niche, what do you think Q4 will be like? 🚀 Image Signup for the newsletter that starts off with BANGERS like this, goes out in 2 hours:
marketingletter.com/newsletter/ Image
May 31, 2023 18 tweets 5 min read
It's everyone's favorite time of the month 👇

📉 I made $101k from 8 different revenue sources in May. This is down $8.8k from April, and down $200k++ (!!) from all-time highs.

PS: AMA losers, nothing is off-limits.

HUGE Amazon update, don't miss out on this 🧵... Image No sponsors this week nerds, go signup for Marketing Letter, it keeps 25k+ marketers in the loop, the link is in my profile @indexsy.
May 13, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
Did you know the CEO of Louis Vuitton, Bernard Arnault, is where he is today because of a taxi driver?

In 1971, Arnault visited the US and asked a taxi driver if he knew the president of France. The driver replied, "No, but I know Christian Dior."

This was his eureka moment... Image Arnault then bought struggling Dior for $60M, swiftly turning it into a profitable venture. With his earnings, he quietly acquired a $2.6B stake in Louis Vuitton. Today, LVMH, the conglomerate that owns these brands, is worth $329B. Image
May 12, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
AI is taking over Google. It's putting AI front and center in search results, offering AI snapshots with generated summaries and corroborating sources.

Here's a summary of my thoughts as an SEO 👇 Image The future of Google Search lies in AI, but not as you might expect. It's not about chatbots or redesigning the homepage. Instead, AI is integrated into existing search results, offering a new experience.

Pretty much a revamped version of the rich snippet. Before and after 👇 ImageImage
Apr 1, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
This is my current net worth split. Where am I overexposed, what would you do differently? If you want to know my exact net worth number, signup for my newsletter (link in my profile @indexsy), going out in the next couple of hours.
Mar 31, 2023 15 tweets 7 min read
📈 I made $88.2k from 8 different sources of revenue in March. This is up $12.2k from Feb, but down $245k from the highs.

PS: Feel free to AMA, nothing is off limits.

- Thread - Before we get started, this thread is brought to you by @spp_app (give them a follow), a tool that grew my newsletter sponsorship revenue by 300% just by switching from emailing rates to just sending people a link to this page:
Mar 30, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
I ran a stupid test to see which form of engagement would result in more reach.

Here's what I learned:
1. There's too many variables but I tried my best to minimize it
2. Comments > Likes > Bookmarks
3. You mfs can't follow instructions

Here are the numbers:
111 comments,… twitter.com/i/web/status/1… Oh, and follow me too @indexsy thanks y'all
Mar 11, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Bond prices have an inverse relationship with interest rates.

Here's an explanation that helped me understand this relationship and what 5% interest rates mean for the economy👇 Bonds are considered a fixed-income security, meaning their income is fixed (duh).

Let's say 1 treasury bond costs $100 and yields $5. That's 5% interest. Easy, right?
Feb 23, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
I'm spending $10k+ on backlinks so you don't have to, here's the case study that you didn't know you needed 🧵 The setup:
- 10 domains, all aged 8 months+, phresh, no content have ever graced these domains
- All sites will target the exact same informational keywords, generated using AI. About 800 posts, SV 100+, KD <20
- Each domain will use a different link vendor
Jan 31, 2023 15 tweets 6 min read
Running your own business has its ups and downs. January was a huge down month for me.

💰 I made $84.4k from 8 different revenue sources in January. This is down $18.6k from December and is the lowest revenue month in recent memory.

- Thread - Before we start, send an F in the thread to pay respects 👇

It's a painful month, but I've been through this before and am certain I will emerge as an MRR god.
Jan 30, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
I increased the valuation of our DTC brand by nearly 6 figures in just a month.

Here is the strategy that almost no one is utilizing (feel free to steal it)👇 The premise of this strategy is that DTC brands have high revenue but weak net margins, whereas niche sites have low revenue but high margins.

So why not combine it? Create a beautiful intersection between media and commerce.
Jan 2, 2023 12 tweets 5 min read
Happy New Year y'all.

I made $103k from 8 different revenue sources in December 💰.

This is down $34k from the previous month, and it's the lowest revenue month in 2022.

Here's a 🧵 on the numbers👇 Before we start, this marks a full year of building in public.

This takes way too much time every month 😅 so if you like seeing stuff like this, give the tweet above this a like, and comment "YES".

Helps the algo, and the traction has been dropping lately.
Dec 6, 2022 11 tweets 4 min read
Mr Beast amassed over 150m subscribers and has made millions if not billions of dollars on YouTube.

I watched hours of his interviews and he always attributes his initial traction to this one thing, and it’s not covered enough👇 @MrBeast found a group of “lunatics” that talked about YouTube growth strategies every day on Skype for over 1000 days. In the end, every single person in the group had over 1 million subscribers.
Nov 29, 2022 11 tweets 4 min read

I made $135k from 8 different revenue sources in November. This is down $38k from last month📉.

In the following thread, I’ll cover...
- Revenue sources
- YTD and AVG performance
- General thoughts on the respective businesses

PS: AMA👇 Here are the highlights...
YTD: $2,008,809
AVG: $182,619
Margins: 63%

Weight: 84.8 kg (-0.2 kg from Oct)
Height: 188 cm
Overall mental health: Great, thankful for financial, location, and time freedom.
Current location: Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Nov 28, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Here's how we use AI to build a site to 45k visitors/mo
1. Find 1000s of low competition high volume keywords via Ahrefs
2. Export and post them onto the site using an AI service
3. Use the free RankMath instant indexing API plugin and use an indexing service 4. If the post ranks, we then rewrite it with our in-house writers with Surfer. We would also target the same keywords on our money sites
5. Profit????????🫡😤😩🤌
Nov 17, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Will be doing a follower update every 10 days in this challenge.

Nov 17 2022:
TT - 70 (+14)
PIN - 5200 (samesies)
YT - 308 (+209)
IG - 2678 (+143)

Comment in quoted thread below to get daily updates on the progress and tactics I've been using 👇 I think after the first 10 days, I've learned that TT is much harder to crack than I thought. They send you 200 "free" views to see how engaged they'll be.

YT and IG are trying to gain market share so the creators there are a bit weaker.
Nov 16, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
EP2 of this week in digital marketing is officially live!

@jdelacey01 and I talked about:
- What we're up to this week
- 2 super simple and easy to implement SEO tips
- Made .com's bankruptcy
- Apple's new search engine
- Mastodon vs Twitter
- Google reviews as a ranking factor Image
Nov 16, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
Here’s how to make $46k a year in risk-free passive income in 3 simple steps 👇 1. Have a million dollars
Nov 14, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Friendly Monday reminder to take your profits.

Here are 2 examples from THIS YEAR where if I didn't take profits I'd miss out on over $100k in profits.. MAYC sale

Buy Price: $8.8k
Sell Price: $26.4k
Profit: $17.6k
Current Price: $1.2k
Nov 7, 2022 11 tweets 1 min read
Starting a challenge today, 2 short form videos a day everyday for 3 months, architecture niche.

This will be posted on TikTok, Pinterest, YouTube Shorts, and Instagram Reels.

Starting followers:
TT - 56
PIN - 5200
YT - 99
IG - 2535

See you in 90 days 🫡 Any guesses on the gains? 👀