India Cares is a 100% voluntary initiative committed to serve those in distress. We don't accept any kind of donations. Volunteers are always welcome.
Sep 29, 2023 • 8 tweets • 5 min read
The Nine-Month Odyssey : Aryans Triumph Over Cancer with Hearts of Gold.
Aryan's battle was a marathon of emotions, starting in January and culminating in September. It was a journey marked by tears, laughter, and the indomitable spirit of a child who refused to give up and proving miracles happen and he battled cancer and emerged victorious.
His victory wasn't a solo accomplishment; it was a collective victory made possible by an extraordinary community of supporters. Our gratitude overflows. (1/8)
To @tatatrusts: The benevolent angel illuminated Aryan's darkest days, offering a glimmer of hope. (2/8)
Sep 25, 2021 • 6 tweets • 4 min read
Service is the highest form of worship.
Tseten Namgyal, a PoW & server to Major Dhan Singh Thapa (PVC, ‘62 war) personifies selfless service to his nation and we are honoured with the opportunity to serve him.