Creator/Editor "Once Upon A Blog: fairy tale news" [Est.2009]
As seen in 'Oxford Companion to Fairy Tales'
Magic Beans for breakfast
Believes in 398.2
Feb 11, 2022 • 24 tweets • 5 min read
Re the Disney #SnowWhite/dwarfs issue: People are trying to talk about this, at least, (video has discussion as goes on) but as with any action needed to right issues of inequality/discrimination/ableism, it's complicated BECAUSE OF THAT INEQUALITY. Thread.
Dinklage is spot on that Disney and society's representation of people with dwarfism is seriously problematic and overdue for change. While there are many Snow White variants that don't have dwarfs (as folkloric "magic creatures" or little people), removing this minority group...
Aug 1, 2019 • 18 tweets • 11 min read
Another #FairyTale for #FolkloreThursday's #tree theme: The Golden Apple Tree & the 9 Peahens.
In a case of the disappearing golden apples, 3 sleepy sons swear to discover the culprit. The youngest gets woken up by midnight (!) & sees 9 chicks (birds-then-girls) fly in...
Art ^ & v: Petar Meseldzija
.. & get serious apple noms. 1 keeps him occupied with 'kindly conversation' & leave him 2 apples by request. Jealous bros employ a stealthy old woman (from the Secret Sista Society we assume) to see how little bro got "them apples". #FolkloreThursday
Jan 25, 2019 • 18 tweets • 10 min read
#FolkloreThursday Rappaccini's Daughter is a fairy tale/short story by Nathaniel Hawthorne about a girl who lives in a poisonous garden, having become poisonous herself due to her botanist/mad scientist father's experiments. A young scholar sees her over the wall & falls in love.
“ if she were another flower, human sister of those vegetable ones—more beautiful than the richest— still to be touched only with a glove, nor to be approached without a mask. ...she handled & inhaled odor of several plants, which her father had sedulously avoided.”