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We do Product Design at @intercom. Hiring:
Mar 22, 2019 10 tweets 3 min read
One of the product design principles we have at Intercom is “What you ship is what matters“.

But what do you ship?

Thread 👇 It’s a fundamental question that every product designer needs to ask themselves.

There are three potential answers:
👉 I ship design
👉 I ship product
👉 I ship business
Feb 25, 2019 8 tweets 2 min read
We at Intercom are incredibly lucky to interview some of the brightest designers in the industry. We’ve noticed a few things that make a really good portfolio presentation.

Thread 👇 1/ First of all there are the basics. In some way or another you want to show that:
✅ you have an experience designing real products
✅ you are well versed in all stages of product design
✅ you collaborate with PM, engineers, research etc.
✅ you have a good attitude