InvaderMeerkat Profile picture
Fundamental analysis on crypto + insights/ramblings on blockchain/web3/metaverse
Mar 1, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
Can the upcoming @0xDAO_fi launch trigger a huge supply/demand imbalance for $OXD? Is there better play than simply burning $OXD for $oxSOLID? I think there might be👇 (1/6) $OXD has only one use now: burning it. When you burn $OXD:
1) You get oxSOLID, a token that represents veSOLID controlled by 0xDAO 1:1
2) You get partnership status with 0xDAO. As a partner you get pretty nice benefits. Details can be found at:… (2/6)
Feb 28, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
There are some odd stuff about $SOLID emissions.

Some important stuff are not explained in Andre's posts.

Also, there is potentially a mistake in the contract so basic yet so impactful, it's funny.

Two reasons why $SOLID emissions are extremely high for a short time👇 (1/10) Reason #1: Locked $SOLID has very little effect on emissions (minor)

Let's take this part of Andre's medium post. There's nothing wrong with the explanation itself & platforms works as explained. What's missing is the dynamics behind "circulating supply". (2/10) Image