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Mar 1, 2024 8 tweets 5 min read
🧵 1/ So it appears David Yeo is a busy boy. Not only was he a DND employee, PPC candidate and Delian taking on giant contracts for CBSA, he has another company, 3D Global Enterprises Inc, operating with an address at Alderville FN in Roseneath…
Image 2/ Now I wondered what Peter Harder meant in his speech last year to The Progressives senate group when he said "Dalian has over 200 subject-matter experts embedded in various government departments"
What did he mean by embedded? Were they beholden to Yeo in some way?…Image
Nov 14, 2022 24 tweets 6 min read
🧵 1/ While y'all are sparring over mandatory masks, I have taken a deep dive into the children's medicine supply shortages.
Frustrated that the MSM is focusing on the increased demand and nobody is covering the supply seriously, I did my own digging
#Sickkids 2/ This was no surprise.

Feb 28, 2020 - (yes 2020) "Because the active ingredients of most generic drugs come from China and India, including 84% of the world’s supply of acetaminophen, the coronavirus could cause supply disruptions, experts warn."…
Feb 16, 2022 21 tweets 4 min read
This is the most insidious part of the whole thing. The act was declared Feb 15th. They created a new set of rules and are retroactively punishing people harshly for doing something they had no idea, at the time they donated, was going to grow into something "illegal" 1/ Does anyone know, what date was the protest declared "illegal" by the authorities?
I don't mean what day a politician or police chief Tweeted it
I mean when was any official documentation signed & presented to the public? Or was Feb 15 the 1st time it was declared officially? 2/
Nov 27, 2021 24 tweets 5 min read
This was very hard for me to watch.
I grew up in Chilliwack and in 30 years saw many floods, and even when I left BC in 1998, the calls to do something about the aging and inadequate dikes were loud and clear
You hear about 1894, 1948 etc but
#BCFlood… what you don't hear about is what happens every year. Flooding is a part of life in the FV. Obviously not to this scale, but to hear the Abbotsford Mayor say he opted not to send out an emergency alert because "people could just look out their window" absolutely infuriates me
Feb 2, 2021 27 tweets 5 min read
1/ I am about to open up about getting health care in Saskatchewan during the COVID pandemic. After months of delaying taking the step to detox from alcohol addiction under proper medical supervision, my husband's health took a turn for the worse and he could no longer put it off 2/ Yesterday, I took him to the local ER. The situation was dire and the measure was recommended by both his mental health councilor and his Dr.
Upon arrival at about 10 am, he was already so heavily intoxicated he could barely walk.
Jan 31, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Stay Home! Stay Home!
Unless you need to do a high risk activity like helping your NL liberal friends go door to door potential spreading COVID through their whole community
#RulesForThee Image