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MG ALBA Scots Singer of the Year 2023 | @rcstweets alumna | Stream/Download my Scots translation of Taylor Swift’s ‘Love Story’ ➡️
May 28 5 tweets 2 min read
🧵In December 2023, when I used my acceptance speech of Scots Singer of the Year to call for a ceasefire, I was later taken aside and chasitised by a representative of MG ALBA. He told me that someone in the audience was Jewish and that she took offence to my speech. That person was Muriel Gray. I panicked. Did I upset someone with my call for a ceasefire? The cameras panned out when I held up a piece of paper that read “immediate ceasefire now”. Woody Guthrie said that it was a folksingers job to comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable. I panicked that Muriel took it upon herself to complain about my speech. I told the gentleman that if she was upset at me, I’d happily speak to her via email, and explain all the reasons why I believe we needed a ceasefire. She never mailed.