Isabelle Profile picture
(she/her) Chicana, Organizer, copwatcher, Student of abolition || Views are my own
May 1, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
Arrests underway on 114th as NYPD clears protesters from the area surrounding campus. They’re shoving people into buildings and blocking the doors. NYPD has kicked all legal observers out of the area. Army of police marching towards Amsterdam, featuring cops who are refusing to allow legal observers near police activity.
Nov 14, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
Happening now: at least 2 arrests at tonight’s free Palestine protest in Staten Island.

The protest had already ended when the NYPD grabbed someone for arrest. Supposedly the arrest happened because this person put a sticker on the bus. Hearing unconfirmed reports that the person arrested in the video above is 15 years old.
Oct 22, 2023 12 tweets 4 min read
Last night, the NYPD attacked the Free Palestine protest in Bay Ridge, trapping protesters before beating, tackling, and arresting 19 non-violent protesters.

⬇️Thread with footage in order of events The march stepped off at around 4PM and marched without incident for over 2 hours, despite heavy NYPD presence.

At around 6:30PM, the NYPD’s Strategic Response Group lined up blocking protesters from continuing the march.
May 25, 2023 14 tweets 5 min read
Yesterday, dozens of New Yorkers waited for 10+ hours to testify to City Council about the trauma that they’ve endured at the hands of the NYPD’s violent Strategic Response Group.

🧵Listen to community members tell you why the SRG must be disbanded. Here’s a portion of my testimony, where I describe what I’ve seen while documenting NYPD conduct at protests over the last 3 years.
May 8, 2023 15 tweets 5 min read
At Broadway Lafayette, the station where Jordan Neely was murdered.

People have begun to gather for the scheduled 7PM vigil. Cops are watching the group.

A few minutes ago, a cop pointed out a protester to the white shirt in command, calling them an “agitator.” I’ve counted 16 cops spread out in the station, including 6 officers standing very close to the crowd.

SRG is on standby close by⬇️

May 7, 2023 10 tweets 5 min read
The unit that sent 3 people to the hospital yesterday, the SRG, should not exist.

The SRG was created for counter terror & is trained in military style crowd control. Advocates & community members have been calling for its disbandment. Help get the SRG off our streets🧵 The SRG was created in 2015 as a counter terror unit that would also police protests.

The unit is notoriously violent and is trained to target racial justice protesters. More background on what the srg is here ⬇️
May 6, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
At @nycforabortion’s monthly clinic defense action where anti abortion protesters process from the church to the local Planned parenthood. The NYPD has placed barricades along the route, preventing counters from doing their usual blockade. 70+ officers onsite, including SRG. Multiple arrests underway as counter protesters jump the barricades.

Protesters chanting “bigots, go home. defend the clinics.”
Dec 3, 2022 9 tweets 4 min read
The NYPD’s Strategic Response Group just made two violent arrests at @nycforabortion’s monthly clinic defense. The woman in yellow and pink is a fake clinic escort and regularly harasses patients outside of the local planned parenthood. Here’s SRG charging defenders as they try to block her from getting to the clinic.
Nov 5, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
At @nycforabortion’s monthly clinic defense, where NYPD is attempting to escort clinic invader Fidelis Moscinski to the local planned parenthood. The Strategic Response Group has been deployed to escort clinic harassers to the church.

50+ cops on site threatening arrest of clinic defenders.
Apr 17, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
This morning I spoke to an unhoused Spanish speaking person who was staying next to a church. A sweep notice (in English) was posted at his location, and I explained that the police may come today to displace him. (1/6) He told me that the police had spoken to him several times, promising to come back and tell him his options for shelter placement. They never came. He thought that being in front of a church meant that he was safe. He was scared.
Apr 16, 2022 10 tweets 5 min read
At 10th Street & Avenue B, where police have arrived to clear a homeless encampment. More police arriving by the minute. White shirt is holding tape, presumable to close off the area like they did last week. Strategic response group has arrived with the LRAD (sound device). Captain Hughes has gathered officers including SRG to “go over the plan.” He’s loudly discussing playing dispersal orders and taping off the area.
Mar 31, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
In the last 12 days, Eric Adams has destroyed more than 200 encampments across NYC. Some ways to support your unhoused neighbors right now🧵 Send funds to folks who were displaced under the BQE. This was set up by North Brooklyn Mutual aid, and all funds will be distributed directly to those in need. More info on their Ig @ nbkmutualaid
Jan 19, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
NYPD attacking protesters at City Hall Park Nypd currently playing a roadway dispersal in a public park, continuing to attack people.
Jun 22, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
All of the important conversations happening on social media around sexual assault & abuse can be triggering for victims and survivors. Reminder to be aware of how you use your platform, and to check in with people in your life who may be struggling right now We must support and validate victims who have bravely come forward with their stories. We also need to remember that not everyone has the ability to do so. Please consider the impact that your shares and posts can have on those who can’t speak up.
Jan 31, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
I've seen multiple "progressive" people condemning the actions of @decolonize_this and the #FTP actions going on today in NYC. Here's a thread on why that's bullshit :) New Yorkers have been begging for YEARS for affordable transportation options. In response, the MTA has increased subway fees, while doing NOTHING to improve the quality of the Subways
Dec 12, 2019 4 tweets 1 min read
Feeling sad and having depression are two very different things and throwing around diagnoses whenever you feel down is harmful to ppl who actually suffer from those conditions :):):) Please stop saying you have ptsd or are depressed after seeing a sad commercial :):):)
Nov 15, 2019 4 tweets 1 min read
Where do I sign up to have the self awareness level of a manspreader on mass transit?? I too would like to pretend other humans don’t exist I am currently PERCHED on the edge of my seat with two oafs on either side of me sitting in the god damn birthing position and I 👏🏼am👏🏼 tired👏🏼