ismary ✨🇨🇺 Profile picture
she/her/ella • refugee, storyteller, designer, somewhat of a polyglot • fighting for immigration & prison reform • working to @freemelvinortiz
Oct 21, 2022 24 tweets 9 min read
So, we now have a solid reason to believe in Melvin’s claims to innocence - but we couldn’t rule him out altogether. There were 2 gunmen, right? What if John was simply the second one? I didn’t really believe that Melvin was guilty, but I had to be sure. Then, I found it. 29/ Tucked into an old police report around John Caltagirone was a short address: 611 Ritter Street. It caught my eye and stayed with me, until I finally figured out who it belonged to. Jesus Junior Colon-Lopez.

Let me explain. 30/
Oct 21, 2022 31 tweets 14 min read
Last year, I started investigating a 1997 murder for a class. Most people who knew about this case were too scared to speak to me.

I couldn’t fathom why.

But as I peeled back the layers, I started discovering things I wasn’t meant to know. 1/

tw: murder, rape, suicide On 12/23/1997, George Clauser was murdered during a botched robbery at Effie’s Pizza Villa by two gunmen. This was one of a 6-week string of robberies in Reading, PA. Unlike the others, though, George was the sole casualty. And he was beloved by the police and the community. 2/ ImageImage