taylor tookes || law of assumption Profile picture
don’t call me an influencer • first black short model, 1/2 founder of Height Revolution, B.A degree owner | shares how to manifest based on MY beliefs.
6 subscribers
Nov 8, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
how i overcame the need for proof/validation in manifestation 🧵 i think people’s biggest struggle (including my own when i had no clue what i was doing) is needing validation from outside of them.

when you’re manifesting, you don’t understand that you get what you want by deciding it’s true & from that point onward, accepting it’s true because you said so.

if you’re not at the point where you can just accept something as true, your job is STILL to just tell yourself what you want is true without looking for proof that it’s true. looking is where people mess up because you looking for proof is you saying “i’m not in control of this. it doesn’t depend on me. i am depending on the world to show me what i want.”
Sep 27, 2024 13 tweets 5 min read
you do NOT need to believe in order to manifest. 🧵 💙 first and foremost, i think we need to stop putting so many limitations and rules on law of assumption because the concept of HAVING to believe is very much giving law of attraction.

when people hear “you must believe”, it gives the sense that they must have unshakable faith in having their manifestation in order to experience it & that’s just not true. is it good to have? yes! is it wrong to have? not at all, it’s amazing. is it mandatory? no. and saying it is can send some people into discouragement or frustration because they can’t make themselves “believe.”
Sep 13, 2024 10 tweets 5 min read
okay let’s do it! try this out 🧵🍀 i just wanna see what happens but you have to 100% be all in with this. if you’re not gonna be serious about this, pls skip out. this is genuinely for research articles 😬
Jun 2, 2024 13 tweets 3 min read
i have a challenge for you guys — or more like a manifestation test for you guys.

i want to do this for a week. since this is MY challenge, i want you to do it via MY INSTRUCTIONS & RULES. this is something i’d like you to try out & something i’d like to test. 📧⬇️ i want you to choose 2 things.

⭐️ one thing will be the most random, out of the ordinary thing ever. it can be something as random as a rainbow car, a purple elephant, a blue spider, a sequined house.
Dec 12, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
because people are asking,

here’s a thread about how i manifest 🧵 🧵 my opinion has never changed about manifestation. i have always took in the phrase “your consistent dominant thoughts create your reality” and i have proven that to be true for me.

knowing that MY THOUGHTS / whatever I KEEP TELLING MYSELF THE MOST has helped me.

i know that only i can create my reality because i am experiencing life through MY perspective where I AM the only one in control. no one or nothing else.
Oct 27, 2023 12 tweets 4 min read
📧 robotic affirming challenge, anyone?

robotic affirming is a VERY fast way to manifest absolutely anything you want.

many people have gotten results from it & for some — after trying everything, THIS was the method that helped everything manifest.

are you in? ⬇️ robotic affirming = basically affirming an affirmation or a set of affirmations over &
over like a robot without necessarily feeling any emotion. you’re basically telling yourself you have what you want OVER & OVER ROBOTICALLY. 📧
Oct 11, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read

this is to help you stay consistent with your new mindset/new story

as you know, manifestation happens fast when you are consistent. the only reason it takes a long time for people is because they are not consistent with their new mindset i’ve noticed that people are more consistent when there is a challenge involved. so feel free to join! i’ll explain how this works.
Aug 9, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
btw it’s okay to have trouble accepting that you are truly in control of your reality at first. it’s normal. we were NOT taught this growing up so of course it’s gonna be like ???? for a lot of people.

i would say you gotta just take the step & prove it to yourself. start “small” if you wanna call it that. start with manifesting free food, rare colored cars, someone saying something specific to you, wearing something they’d never wear or eating something they’d never eat. even manifest hearing a specific song on the radio.
May 18, 2023 25 tweets 4 min read
💸 WELCOME TO THE MILLIONAIRE CHALLENGE 💸 this challenge is self-explanatory. we will be manifesting millions or more into our lives. not thousands, not hundreds, no. MILLIONS. we want MILLIONS.

before we start, here are a view things to note!
Apr 18, 2023 18 tweets 3 min read
saturation for manifestation

what it is & how i do it 🫧 you’ve probably seen the term “saturate your mind” on my page or around manifestation twt.

saturating your mind is basically just MENTALLY basking in the new story as much as you can, as much as possible.
Apr 17, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
‼️ OKAY!! GIVING AWAY $100 ‼️

i’m giving away $100 via c*shapp or v*nmo (censored the words bc i don’t want bots to invade my mentions or comment section).

drop an emoji to be considered. i’ll enter your names in a random generator & that’s how the winner will be chosen. 🖤 i’ll be doing more giveaways in the future as well — coaching giveaways, $ giveaways & another giveaway that i will not be announcing yet 💪🏽
Apr 16, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
THINK as if, not ACT as if. you do NOT need to act as if. if you’re manifesting being a millionaire, you’d think as if you’re already one. but that’s MENTAL. not physical. bc why would you PHYSICALLY spend all your money in the physical world & be left with nothing..? that’s gonna create resistance.
Apr 1, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
use the “i manifested that!” method 🪩 not really even a method, just a different way of wording that its already done and you already have your desire.
Mar 28, 2023 21 tweets 4 min read
how to ACTUALLY manifest: a thread 🫧 here is how to actually manifest. pls forget all the confusing shit you’ve seen on tiktok, youtube, reddit or even spiritual twt.

if you’re new here and ur like “why should i trust you?” here’s a thread of my manifestations & COUNTING.
Mar 24, 2023 15 tweets 2 min read
what is wavering? 🧵 here is a thread for those who still don’t understand what wavering is or means. i hope it helps you understand for good 🖤
Mar 20, 2023 18 tweets 3 min read
how i deal with unwanted circumstances in the 3D: a thread 🍒 🍒 first of all, you guys need to realize that there is nothing outside of you — meaning everything roots from YOU, from your imagination, from your most dominant consistent thoughts. hence why we say YOUR DOMINANT THOUGHTS CREATE REALITY.
Mar 6, 2023 22 tweets 4 min read
how i manifest multiple things at once ⭐️ this is a highly requested thread on how to manifest multiple things at once. i made one before but i’ll do it again <3

DISCLAIMER ‼️: tbh i shouldn’t even have to be saying this but since this is my page, this is how i do it. if you don’t resonate, just don’t do it!
Mar 1, 2023 31 tweets 1 min read
💰 MONEY AFFIRMATIONS 💰 💸 i always have more than enough money
Jan 11, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
okay maybe this is a success story day but i’d like everyone to know that i manifested money for my dad (again) & this time it was $20k 🥳 if i can do it, you can do it too! i know someone is gonna ask so how i did it was, i basically affirmed + persisted.

i have been affirming “my parents always get money from unexpected sources” / “my parents are multimillionaires”
Jan 10, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
on top of this, not EVERYONE can just “get into the state” like that. that’s deadass like saying “just assume.” how tf are they supposed to do that? some people NEED to rewire their brains WITH REPETITION OF THE NEW STORY because the old story is already so deeply engraved in it. if you’ve had a long ass history of NO MONEY, totally broke.. how are you just gonna think you’re rich? there’s already a story present, which is the old story (i have no money). it takes REPETITION for a lot of people to EXPERIENCE that new story.
Jan 10, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
i think people are confused on everyone is you pushed out (EIYPO) —

when we say “people are a reflection of you”, it means people are a reflection of YOUR ASSUMPTIONS about them. they’re not exactly a reflection of YOU as a person. if that was the case & if they were a reflection of you as a person, then everyone would be acting like you & everyone would be acting the same. that is not the case.