Iulian Pascalau Profile picture
feeling hunger for technology, electronic enthusiast, passionate programmer & clean code advocate
Jun 9 15 tweets 3 min read
MultiversX is an infrastructure platform necessary for products to function. With each new integration, the network opens up to more users. Thus, our core way of scaling is by shipping and distributing the culture of output to ecosystem teams.Weekly #multiversxtech 🛠️ Image 1/ [mx-chain-es-indexer-go] Fixed how is calculated gasUsed and fee for ESDTTransfer transactions
- Worked on the integration of ESDT improvements feature in indexer
[mx-chain-simulator-go] New endpoint for force epoch change
Apr 21 22 tweets 4 min read
The next protocol upgrade is an essential for accommodating the growing number of businesses and infrastructure providers that want to contribute to the @MultiversX ecosystem.
Staking V4 entered the mainnet release process after being community voted. Weekly #multiversxtech 🛠 Image 1/ [framework] Block info builder for the testing framework
- Small ESDT payments fix for the testing framework
- Several optimization attempts for the unified transaction syntax
- Improved syntax for setting state in integration tests
Jan 14 17 tweets 3 min read
2024 will be the year of #MuliversX.The first focused sprints brought three protocol releases, several key features rolled out across products, a new launchpad debut, general builders, and ecosystem acceleration. Move fast, and build things. This week #multiversxtech 👇 Image 1/ [stakingV4] Finished updating the branch and made all the fixings work with the latest RC branch
- Debug/testing for system test
- Removed/refactored some enforced configs protection for the enable epochs configs
Nov 12, 2023 20 tweets 3 min read
The ability to constantly improve technology and deliver consistent UX irrespective of demand is where MultiversX excels. No delayed confirmations, no fee spikes, and no downtime, even during periods of significant network activity. Weekly #multiversxtech 🛠️ Image 1/ [storage] Continued working on the NFT storage optimizations which will reduce the number of trie nodes from the system account thus speeding up access time
[mx-chain-go] Continue the implementation of the chain simulator
- Bughunt and bugfix Web socket driver
Sep 10, 2023 16 tweets 3 min read
It’s been four years since the weekly #multiversxtech reports began. To take things to the next level, we're now also holding monthly dev, validator, builder sessions, and regular town halls. In our first dev session we covered development updates and the upcoming upgrades. Image 1/ Sovereign shards economics and technical specification paper for smart contract components: validator staking & registry and factory. Local system test setup for missing extended shard header in sovereign.
Jul 9, 2023 16 tweets 3 min read
The open-source products, tools, and infrastructure we are releasing sit at the heart of #MultiversX, enabling and accelerating adoption. Raising community knowledge, expanding the set of possible apps to build, and reducing their time to market. Weekly #multiversxtech 🛠️ 1/ Implemented a new VM feature for SC to SC intra-shard transfers to make DeFi lego blocks easier to deploy. It will allow skipping the payable check for the initial caller when the called SC makes callbacks. All transfers are accumulated in a new structure called backTransfers.
May 21, 2023 16 tweets 3 min read
Blockchain mainstream adoption demands security solutions to be as foolproof as possible. The guardians feature will elegantly plug into MultiversX wallets to add an additional layer of on-chain 2FA security while keeping things simple and convenient. Weekly #multiversxtech 🛠️ Image 1/ We defined the technical specifications of the xExchange on-chain and off-chain governance processes for community proposals. Continued development and started testing on the concentrated liquidity base implementation.
Mar 26, 2023 16 tweets 3 min read
This week marked a significant first step on a new expansion path for @MultiversX.
$EGLD is ready for the next phase of adoption.
Ecosystem growth, to the power of X.
Weekly #multiversxtech 🛠️ 1/ First draft document about transaction pre-execution that should warm the trie cache. This should theoretically improve transaction execution time.
Jan 22, 2023 21 tweets 4 min read
A large amount of code becoming open-source recently in the @MultiversX Ecosystem adds tremendous value, reinforcing open exploration and experimentation.
Weekly #MultiversXtech 🛠️ 1/ Rewrite the governance system contract: implemented full quadratic voting, delegated voting support for legacy delegation, and for liquid staking contracts. Added a big chunk of unit tests.
Nov 20, 2022 17 tweets 4 min read
The @ElrondNetwork core apps are unpacking the expansion into MultiversX in immediate steps.
@MaiarExchange is the first to extend its current capabilities, transforming into xExchange & bringing a new utility & value proposition for DeFi native tokens.
Weekly #MultiversXtech 🛠️ 1/ The MEX v2.0 paper has been published and the preparations for the governance proposal have started. Calculate voting power for all accounts taking into account direct & indirect LKMEX holdings.
Sep 11, 2022 13 tweets 3 min read
We choose to tackle fundamental limitations of global significance for decades to come, that will open more and more opportunities, with each new passing wave and cycle.
Weekly #elrondtech 🛠️ 1/ Final fine tuning on the Maiar DEX auto-router for re-enabling the smart swaps, after a series of internal testing rounds, involving community & partners. Further improvements on the DEX service analytics module.
Jul 9, 2022 17 tweets 4 min read
Blockchain tech will not create a different internet, but rather upgrade the existing one.
Everything “online” will get augmented ownership, transparency, and security.
We push around the clock to enable the scalable foundation for this evolution.
Weekly #elrondtech 🛠️ 1/ We have created a mechanism through which ESDTs can be split or merged. This is great for i.e. fusing two Metaverse items into a more valuable one, fragmenting ownership of an asset, and many other usecases.
Apr 30, 2022 17 tweets 4 min read
Blockchain fuses advanced computer science, economics and game theory concepts to drive innovation across consumer and business sectors.

As all verticals become interoperable at internet-scale, the next stage of global evolution will be unlocked.

Weekly #elrondtech 🛠️ 1/ The first token listing featuring the novel smart-contract based price discovery mechanism has been successfully executed on the live environment.

10,000 accounts executed ~18,000 txns, resulting in a “market discovered price” that resulted in low post listing volatility.
Jan 30, 2022 22 tweets 5 min read
The @ElrondNetwork devkit enables anyone to create ESDT tokens and make them useful via native & community tools.

Listing them on the Maiar DEX will ignite an unprecedented wave of community-driven growth.

Weekly #elrondtech 🛠 1/ The Maiar DeFi Wallet now has an anti-scam feature that makes it difficult for users to access known scamming or phishing websites. It uses a database of links that were reported by the community through social or support channels, or via email to notoscam@elrond.com