IXNAY PAC Profile picture
Working to get Donald Trump and his allies out of American politics. IG & FB: ixnaypac
Oct 1, 2020 18 tweets 21 min read
For this #internationalpodcast day, we thought we'd take a trip down recent-memory lane and share some clips from #IXNAY the podcast that's guaranteed to get @realdonaldtrump out of the White House. Here's a clip from our first ep with David Guinan ixnaypac.org/podcast/2020/6… Here’s @warkin on what’s even better than a buncha generals coming out against Trump ixnaypac.org/podcast/2020/6…
Sep 24, 2020 9 tweets 9 min read
We put an all-star band together featuring @HarMarSuperstar, @elijann, and @sethtino to record @agentmule's soft-rock protest song: IXNAY (The Subpoeña Colada Song).

Download the full song for just $1 with all proceeds supporting our efforts to #GOTV

ixnaypac.org/merch/digital-… @HarMarSuperstar @elijann @sethtino @agentmule LYRICS:

I was tired of his WINNING
We'd been losing too long
MAGA bullshit from beginning
Was time for Trump to be gone.

With everyday our country reeling
A thought crept into my head
Instead of burning down DC
I wrote these lyrics instead.
Aug 10, 2020 6 tweets 6 min read
We recorded the new #IXNAY podcast with @Scaramucci this morning and here's what he had to say about @realDonaldTrump's latest Twitter tirade against him. Subscribe for more: ixnaypac.org/podcast @Scaramucci @realDonaldTrump "If Trump's going off on me, I find it entertaining that he's gotta come after a guy like me instead of running the country. I'm on TV last night talking about the guy, I said the guy's unhinged, and he's focused on the wrong things...
Jun 26, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
🎙On this week’s #IXNAY podcast: we have a fun chat with @davekarpf about how Trump’s Tulsa failure has #SaulAlinsky written all over it and how raging on Twitter can actually lead to real-world results. ixnaypac.org/podcast/2020/6… Plus, we get a scene report from the heart of Texas, and @agentmule compares the latest @JoeBiden polls to The Evil Dead.
Jun 19, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
🎙New episode of the #IXNAY podcast: We talk to @jgoldbeck about the LGBTQ victory in the Supreme Court and how YOU can help turn Arizona blue. Plus @McDenimRebel calls in with a scene report from the critical state of Wisconsin.

Also... some laughs.

ixnaypac.org/podcast/2020/6… Listen to this week’s #IXNAY on @ApplePodcasts podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ixn…
Jun 12, 2020 4 tweets 5 min read
LISTEN: New ep of the #IXNAY podcast in which we talk to @warkin about what it means (and what it doesn't) when the generals speak out against @realDonaldTrump anchor.fm/ixnay/episodes… @warkin @realDonaldTrump Listen to the #IXNAY podcast on @Spotify open.spotify.com/episode/6W5fzs…
Jun 3, 2020 7 tweets 4 min read
The first episode of the #IXNAY podcast is live! Give it a listen, and don’t forget to subscribe! anchor.fm/ixnay We investigate the cost of advertising with America's number one carnival barker, fill you in on what the bookies say are the four swing states that may decide this election, and have a chat with the politically savvy and brilliantly foul mouthed David Guinan.
May 26, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
SUBSCRIBE to the new #IXNAY podcast! Hosted by Trace Crutchfield AKA @agentmule, it's our weekly attempt to pry tips and tricks on how to beat Trump from real-life American voters.


anchor.fm/ixnay Image Apple Podcast listeners can subscribe to the new #IXNAY podcast here podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ixn…
Nov 20, 2019 7 tweets 2 min read
Full #Sondland statement: politico.com/f/?id=0000016e… “Unfortunately, President Trump was skeptical. He expressed concerns that the Ukrainian government was not serious about reform. He even mentioned that Ukraine tried to take him down in the last election.”
Oct 11, 2019 7 tweets 5 min read
1) This prank call with @LindseyGrahamSC and what he thought was the Turkey's minister of defense is amazing

politico.com/news/2019/10/1… @LindseyGrahamSC 2) But if what Lindsey is saying is true, why is anti-corruption super-hero @realDonaldTrump
"very keen" to make sure a billion-dollar "bank case" involving evading US sanctions on Iran–in which Erdogan is implicated–does not hurt "our relationship"?

Oct 10, 2019 7 tweets 3 min read
Arrest of the day! wsj.com/articles/two-f… #IXNAY #arrestoftheday “Messrs. Parnas and Fruman had dinner with the president in early May 2018, according to since-deleted Facebook posts captured in a report published by the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project.” Image
Nov 7, 2018 6 tweets 4 min read
THREAD: Well, we offered him the easy way out. We even offered to throw him a retirement party. But as he’s proven time and time again, Ted Cruz is a glutton for punishment. And while it would have been incredibly satisfying to take his Senate seat away with him @VersusTed logo there are plenty of other ways to defeat Ted Cruz. We know, because we’ve been making a long list of how we can work against Ted’s agenda on a daily basis. So today, rather than dwell on Beto’s narrow defeat, we’re launching @versusted
Nov 5, 2018 15 tweets 6 min read
THREAD: As we wait impatiently for Tuesday to come, and the future to take shape, take a trip with us down memory lane as we revisit the video spots we put out during the campaign in hopes of providing some inspiration for participation. First up, a manifesto of sorts: Everything's bigger in Texas except for the important shit:
Oct 12, 2018 5 tweets 2 min read
HELP MAKE IXNAY PAC DANGEROUS (thread): Well, it’s game time. There are only three weeks of campaigning left before the election on November 6th. We’ve released *six* midterms ads so far, and we’ve got another six coming (some of them are not even funny… by design). In addition to those, we have radio spots, voter outreach, street-level poster campaigns, and a few other tricks up our sleeve we can’t reveal here. We’re going to be working hard to get independent voters to think long and hard about the benefits of voting Ted Cruz out.