Arthur Bloom Profile picture
Editor, writer.
stratemeyer Profile picture 1 subscribed
Aug 6 58 tweets 20 min read
Anybody who snitched on their neighbors over COVID failed the totalitarianism test The very first email from the data dump, peering into the kitchen to notice the cooks weren't masking, thanks Joe C! Image
Aug 20, 2022 20 tweets 10 min read
THE PHYSIOGNOMY THEORY OF REVOLUTIONARY HISTORY: I have a theory that any 5 year old can be given a better understanding of the history of revolutions than your average college student, and all you have to show them is pictures. You can show a child pictures of the leaders of each side in a revolutionary conflict, and any one who's raised on Disney and Mother Goose will be able to tell who the good guys are and who the bad guys are. For the rest of his education, teachers will try to mislead him.