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no longer on Twitter/ https://t.co/RklJmuulgy
Mar 8, 2021 16 tweets 3 min read
Day 6: The three layers of a healthy SaaS engineering org

1/ Before a startup gets to 10 engineers there's typically someone working full time on infrastructure. This product/infrastructure split continues as the company grows.

Mar 5, 2021 16 tweets 3 min read
Day 5: The two modes of software engineering: Value Creation and Cost Reduction

1/16 These two modes have incompatible goals and require different mindsets, planning, and sometimes staffing.
Value creation is what we're doing when we create product features. It's speculative, it has a low chance of high success.

Mar 4, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
Day 4: Software doesn't move, it just grows in new directions

1/9 "We're moving to microservices" is not a thing.
"We're moving to MySQL/Postgresql/Kafka" is not a thing.

You're not moving to it, you're just adding it.

Mar 3, 2021 11 tweets 2 min read
Day 3: Feedback, Input, and Advice

1/11 They say feedback is a gift but much of it feels awful.
When giving feedback spends some of your social capital then it's not feedback.
When it makes you feel defensive to hear it it might not be feedback.

Mar 2, 2021 14 tweets 3 min read
Day 2: Build the things that contribute to your competitive advantage, buy the rest

1/14 "We could build that ourselves! It'll take a month or two"

Every engineering org eventually tries this and it rarely works.

Mar 1, 2021 13 tweets 3 min read
First up: Technical Debt Financing

The debt metaphor applies more broadly that we might expect. We can use a robust financing model to think about how we invest in our systems
1/13 Consider the situation where you owe money to student loans and also to payday loans. You get $1K, where do you pay the balance?
It would be unwise to pay down the student loans because the interest rate there is so much lower.
Put it all on the payday loan.
Feb 20, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
Because not everyone knows: If Bitcoin’s price ever reaches $1m it will output more carbon than the entire US and consume 2x the entire electrical production of the US.

And it gets worse 🧵

As the price goes up it’s worth it for miners to spend more to mine a coin. Even if it costs them enormously in energy costs.

Will they? Guaranteed.
Jan 23, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Each tech company I talk to makes me more confused about how we use the titles of VP Eng and CTO

Either one of them can be absent, either one can be technical or non-technical, and the CTO can even be a junior engineer who was just sorta there early So when someone tells me “we’re looking for a VP of engineering” I gotta figure out what problem they’ve diagnosed.

It could be nobody there has management experience, it could be there’s no technical north star, or maybe there’s just no adult in the room
Apr 4, 2018 12 tweets 2 min read
The industry is getting fatigued by talk about diversity and inclusion: medium.com/smells-like-te…
Which OF COURSE will happen if we're measuring diversity as our success.
That's like measuring "did we IPO?" as your test of whether product development is progressing well.
Diversity is the lagging indicator, it's the measure of whether you've been expelling certain classes of people more than others.