Jack Jenkins Profile picture
National Reporter for @RNS. "Workaday writer." — The New Yorker. Author of "American Prophets." Tips? Try me on Signal: jackmjenkins.60
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Jan 17 10 tweets 3 min read
1. So, this article and its headline (which are, hilariously, partly about me while not naming me) are inaccurate, but I want to talk about it, because I think it actually ends up making my oft-voiced argument as to why folks should hire more religion reporters.

Hear me out… 2. First, a factual note: A charitable reading of this article/headline is the author missed some things. E.g., I didn’t “dispute” anything here — I just asked why Speaker Johnson believed scripture supports the position he has often outlined.
Dec 31, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
1. To be clear: This is a theological argument, not descriptive one, as is the declaration* that Mainline Protestantism is a tradition whose theology is "hollowed out."

The Baptist denomination of Carter's church to is often classified as mainline, but it's a bit complicated. 2. *This is roughly the same insult evangelicals have lobbed at Mainliners for roughly a century, back when what was then called Fundamentalism broke from what is now called Mainline Christianity.

This argument often suggests that Liberalism (whose definition shifts)…
Dec 15, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
1. Spent a good part of this year investigating Christian nationalism in the U.S., particularly where the ideology is strongest.

In February, I tripped to North Idaho, where Christian nationalism and Christian separatism are transforming local politics. religionnews.com/2023/02/22/how… 2. This summer I ventured to Arizona, where Turning Point USA is based.

In addition to partnering with churches there, TPUSA is encouraging pastors to embrace CN and right-wing rhetoric as a church-growth strategy — and, as I witnessed, it may be working. religionnews.com/2023/06/09/wit…
Dec 15, 2023 11 tweets 4 min read
1. The latest in my Christian nationalism series delves into the Texas public school chaplains debate.

One activist described public schools to me as a "mission field," and others are thinking big: school chaplains bills are likely coming to other states. religionnews.com/2023/12/14/in-… 2. Background: Back in May, the Texas legislature approved a bill allowing public schools to hire chaplains.

It's not clear why it passed and other faith-themed bills didn't, and it survived ample Democratic pushback.

But the final bill raised questions…religionnews.com/2023/05/10/tex…
Oct 29, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
1. The thing about Speaker Johnson insisting in his *first speech as Speaker* that elected leaders = ordained by God: it raises a pretty specific theological question about his effort to stop Biden's certification in 2020.

i.e., was he…going against God? religionnews.com/2023/10/25/mik… 2. People forget, but this was actually a live question among Trump's evangelical advisers back in 2017 — particularly Paula White, who made *this exact argument* about Trump in 2017:

Jun 9, 2023 21 tweets 8 min read
1. So, Turning Point USA, headed by Charlie Kirk, has pivoted to faith outreach — and, critics say, embracing Christian nationalism.

In doing so, they're urging pastors to embrace right-wing politics as a *church growth strategy.*

It may be working. religionnews.com/2023/06/09/wit… 2. Of note: there’s been lots of coverage of Turning Point’s faith pivot. Rolling Stone had a whole feature on it recently.

But I was curious about the churches involved — who they are, why they do it, how their involvement impacts congregations, etc. rollingstone.com/politics/polit…
May 11, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
1. One of the wilder Trump religion stories over the years is one I feel like no one really paid attention to.

Until ~2020, Trump was Presbyterian — likely PC(USA), which was the affiliation of the church he was raised in. These days, it's a fairly liberal denomination.

So… 2. …When he ran in '16, he offended many members.

And by offended, I mean they spoke out against him as early as Oct 2015 — WAY before his campaign picked up steam.

Like, the highest* officer in the denom even issued a statement — VERY unusual. archive.thinkprogress.org/donald-trump-c…
May 8, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Of note: Per the next tweet in this thread, the church in question received death threats ahead of this event.

There’s obvi a long history here, but Christian nationalists (and white nationalists) targeting various kinds of liberal-leaning churches has been a thing recently. See this clip in particular: People waving Christian flags and shouting at *other Christians* singing hymns.
Mar 30, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
Via @AP: The Vatican has formally repudiated the “Doctrine of Discovery,” the 15th-century theology long used to justify the subjugation of Indigenous peoples and their lands. apnews.com/article/062e39… Indigenous voices have drawn increased attention to the history behind the Doctrine of Discovery in recent years.

But as author and Navajo citizen Mark Charles told me in 2020, many activists and others see repudiations of the doctrine as a first step. religionnews.com/2019/09/11/pre… Image
Mar 27, 2023 14 tweets 4 min read
1. This is an interesting piece for several reasons, but I should note: the thing about Christian nationalism — as I’ve noted before — is that it’s many things at once…

…Just like — and I cannot stress this enough — every major political movement ever. newyorker.com/magazine/2023/… 2. Among other things, I appreciate how the piece highlights the unusual nature of the Senate prayer on Jan 6 — especially who led it.

For background, I also wrote about it because it showcased the curious ecumenism that Christian nationalism can create. religionnews.com/2021/02/25/the…
Feb 23, 2023 20 tweets 6 min read
1. So, I recently took a trip out to North Idaho.

I was tracking down rumors about Christian nationalism(s) rising in the region.

But I wasn't prepared for just how *big* it'd become, how powerful it is in the state, and how it may impact the future GOP. religionnews.com/2023/02/22/how… 2. I should note that this is likely the first in a series of pieces, some of which will look at Idaho (which is beautiful, by the way, albeit cold).

But as I'll explain, I found surprising trends at work here that may impact lots of places in the U.S. in different ways.
Feb 8, 2023 6 tweets 4 min read
1. Interesting: New PRRI data CLOSELY matches Pew's "Faith and Flag Conservatives" (which Pew said is their attempt to quantify Christian nationalism) from 2021, which places CN hardliners at 10% of the pop—but much larger % of the GOP, and are among the most politically active. ImageImage 2. And as seen here, white evangelicals are disproportionately represented here.

But as was just pointed out at @PRRIpoll's presentation, evangelicals *in general* seem to play a key role here. Image
Jan 21, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
1. Christian nationalism side note: Unlike last year, I didn’t spot overt members of America First at this year’s March for Life, nor did I see Patriot Front.

But the New Columbia group, a CN movement, was there. And several younger attendees wore America First and Ye24 attire. Image 2. The lingering presence of MAGA hats, America First gear, etc among younger men at the M4L — often amid larger student groups — was notable given how removed we are from Trumpism.

It wasn’t the majority, but suggested a subculture latent within some Catholic schools.
Dec 7, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
Sen. Rev. Warnock begins his victory speech tonight by thanking his supporters and invoking faith, saying “To God be the glory…for the great things that God had done.”

In response, the crowd absolutely erupts. Continues: “I often say that a vote is a certain kind of prayer for the world we desire for ourselves and for our children. Voting is faith put into action, and Georgia you have been praying with your lips and your legs, with your hands and your feet, your heads and your hearts.”
Dec 2, 2022 25 tweets 9 min read
1. So that meeting between Trump, Ye and antisemitic white nationalist Nick Fuentes AND yesterday's wildly unsettling interview with Alex Jones?

It's gotten little attention, but it's all part of a rising extreme from of…Catholic Christian nationalism? religionnews.com/2022/12/01/how… 2. First of all, I cannot stress this enough: this is not a side-story. This is *central* to what's happening with Ye (who isn't Catholic) and those around him.

Seriously, if you watch that Alex Jones interview, faith and Christian nationalism come up *constantly.*
Sep 18, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
1. One last thing: There's debate this mimics evangelical worship, or that it's derived from QAnon, etc.

I'm curious for more research, but worth noting *fusing* those things and more has become common at MAGA-ish events *without* Trump.

But this time he's a *part* of it. 2. This fusion can strike outsiders as bizarre and confusing. But it's what it looked like when pro-Trump sub-movements started hanging out—especially in his (relative) absence in 2021.

By way of example: Last year's Christian nationalist anti-vax rally. religionnews.com/2021/09/14/pos…
Sep 15, 2022 18 tweets 6 min read
1. PA gov candidate Doug Mastriano is known for championing religious freedom.

But in 2020, he sparked a theological fight w/local Lutherans.

When they fought back, he questioned their faith & argued the Bible says other Christians…can’t criticize him? religionnews.com/2022/09/15/dou… 2. See, the dispute garnered a spate of local coverage at the time (see below).

But the tiff has new relevance amid Mastriano’s gubernatorial campaign, where he is already under fire for past remarks about other faiths.

GT: gettysburgtimes.com/news/local/art…

YD: yorkdispatch.com/story/news/pol…
Aug 15, 2022 12 tweets 6 min read
1. So I want to give context to this piece.

I was curious about calls for the GOP to be the party of Christian nationalism, given concern it seems to be in conversation w/overt forms of extremism.

But when I asked GOP lawmakers, they were…mostly silent. religionnews.com/2022/08/12/ami… 2. To be sure, Christian nationalism isn't new, nor is its presence among Republicans.

But there are two things at work here.

One is the power Trump gave to forms of Christian nationalism during his rise to power, which is pretty well chronicled.

But... thinkprogress.org/trumps-christi…
Aug 14, 2022 9 tweets 1 min read
I decided to watch Newsroom but put on a random episode and y’all I’m like 99% sure it’s the announcing-Osama bin Laden’s-death-on-a-plane one everyone makes fun of. Yup it’s that one and y’all it’s already bad
Jun 25, 2022 10 tweets 4 min read
1. Side note: In two separate interviews with conservative faith figures yesterday, I brought up arguments of Jewish leaders mentioned in this piece — a different religious view of when life begins, abortion can sometimes be required, etc.

The responses were fascinating. 2. Both interviews were with Catholic figures, although I do not at all think the disposition described is limited to that population.

The first was a conversation with Archbishop Lori, head of the USCCB's anti-abortion committee, and a panel of folks he included.
Jun 11, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
1. Developments out of Idaho, where it appears members of far-right group Patriot Front were just arrested.

Many far-right groups encouraged members to attend a protest there against a Pride event, including America First leader Nick Fuentes, who advertised a “Rosary Walk.” 2. America First, a Christian nationalist group whose leader Fuentes is also widely decried as a white nationalist, and Patriot Front, a…visually distinctive white nationalist group, have both been visible at anti-abortion events in recent months/weeks. religionnews.com/2022/05/10/aft…