Jackson Voss Profile picture
so long and thanks for all the fish
Jun 3, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
Session is finally over, so I’m about to take a break from posting. But before I do just want to say, it is really easy (and frankly, totally reasonable) to feel down about what’s happening here in Louisiana. A lot of bad stuff has been made law, and more will surely come. But! Despite how bad this session was, and in spite of the harm that will come from it, I can honestly say that it could have been (dare I say, should have been) much worse. But thanks to people showing up day-in and day-out, we did achieve some real victories
Oct 4, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
The funny thing about the “David Duke without the baggage” thing is that it’s something Steve Scalise said to a reporter to describe his ~own politics~ People keep trying to make it sound like it’s something people say about him, but that’s not the case Image
Sep 26, 2023 25 tweets 6 min read
Alright, don’t usually do this (and want to be clear that I’m speaking for myself) - but want to highlight some candidates for the Louisiana State Legislature who deserve your support and can flip or hold competitive seats to stop extreme, right-wing supermajorities this year Preface: whatever you can give helps; if that means giving time to volunteer to knock doors or make phone calls, that’s great. But just so you know, the most helpful thing you can do for most campaigns, especially as they ramp up for GOTV efforts, is donating money.

Just fyi
May 30, 2023 19 tweets 7 min read
The Louisiana Democratic Party does not appear to have recruited very many candidates for this year’s #lalege elections, but seems they did take the time to find an opponent for @votelandry, one of only a few truly progressive Democrats in office here Image … and you know they really worked every possible angle, since it appears the person who will be that favored candidate was a Republican (or, at least voting in the Republican primary) when she lived in Ohio ImageImage