Jan-Albert Hootsen Profile picture
Mexico Representative @Pressfreedom | Journalist/Editor @Trouw and @HLN | Student MA Human Rights & Democracy @FlacsoMx | Opinions = mine | RT ≠ Endorsement
Sep 30, 2024 44 tweets 8 min read
Today is the last day of Mexican president @lopezobrador_ in office. Let's go over what his presidency meant for press freedom in the deadliest country for journalists in the Western Hemisphere. This will be a very long thread, but bear with me. 🧵 1/ The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ/@pressfreedom) documented the killings of 45 journalists and media workers between December 2018 and September 30, 2024. That's an average of more than seven killed reporters per year. 2/
Aug 26, 2024 21 tweets 4 min read
I don't envy Mexican president-elect @Claudiashein's task ahead. The negative impact of @lopezobrador_'s policies, including the judicial reform and the disappearance of autonomous gvt agencies, will affect her administration, not his. And there are quite a few risks. 🧵 Mexico's economy is already slowing down. Unless Sheinbaum will radically change the economic structure of the country, the only way her gvt will be able to pay for the social policies that made López Obrador so popular is by achieving good economic growth, BUT...
Jul 6, 2023 99 tweets 29 min read
Draad over de campagne voor de Mexicaanse presidentsverkiezingen van volgend jaar, die officieel nog niet maar eigenlijk al wel is begonnen. Er is in pakweg twee maanden tijd al het nodige gebeurd. Dit wordt een heule lange 🧵, voor wie geïnteresseerd is in Mexico. López Obrador en MORENA profileerden zich als het alternatief voor al die problemen. Een links alternatief, welteverstaan; AMLO hamert al jaren op corruptiebestrijding, 'primero los pobres' ('de armen eerst') en 'abrazos, no balazos' ('omhelzingen, geen kogels').