James Altucher Profile picture
For some reason, I've turned myself inside out and all my guts have spilled onto my blog. Check me out at https://t.co/PzOIUvGcIn . NM in chess.
13 subscribers
Feb 25 19 tweets 4 min read
HOW THE US CAN IMMEDIATELY ELIMINATE THE IRS (and get rid of 100% of personal income taxes) : (a thread): (1/17) Image Personal income taxes adds up to $2.5 trillion in a year.

So to get rid of IRS, the government needs to generate $2.5 trillion in income.

Note: I'm NOT going to recommend a flat income tax or a flat sales tax. Much better... (2/17) Image
Dec 29, 2024 11 tweets 2 min read
It's important to take the politics out of this Immigration / H-1B Visa issue. This is an extremely important issue that has ZERO to do with politics or Trump's stance on immigation. It's worth understanding it before you judge it. Let me explain: 1) The "replacement rate" in the US is 2.1 children per woman. This is the amount of children that, on average, needs to be born so that the US will grow. Any less than this and the US population will SHRINK if there is no (legal) immigration. But there is a solution:
Aug 13, 2024 10 tweets 2 min read
I'm hesitant to post this because I don't really like any aspect of the political system. But here is what I heard last night at the Must/Trump conversation and I'm curious what part of this people disagree with: A) do more vetting at the border (as in legal immigration) to prevent criminals coming in.
Jan 5, 2023 21 tweets 4 min read
How to start a Podcast

A Thread 🧵

Someone asked me how to start a podcast:

what high-end equipment they need, how to get ads, great guests, etc. These are the wrong questions. Here's what you should do. (1/x) 1) START NOW!

Take out the recorder on your iphone. Interview someone.

Interview your spouse about all the things that are wrong with you.

Or interview a homeless guy on the street. You can do 3 interviews in one day.

Or call a wrong # and interview.

Just START! (2/x)
Dec 18, 2022 18 tweets 4 min read
ARE YOU A 5-25er?

The Warren Buffett 5/25 rule has been very important in keeping me from failure:

Investing is the one thing Buffett mastered above all other interests.

But the 5/25 rule is his technique of achieving mastery of ANYTHING.

First, what is it?

(1/x) 1: The 5/25 rule,

- LIST the 25 things you are most passionate about.

- SPLIT THEM into two lists. The top 5 items and then the next 20.

Note, you are still insanely passionate about the next 20. They are just numbers 6-25 on your list.

Nov 24, 2022 27 tweets 5 min read
What should Elon do with Twitter

A Thread 🧵 1) Use open source privacy communications technology (e.g. Signal) to create a private messaging network among verified twitter users.

Signal is a foundation started by the founders of WhatsApp after they left Facebook.Make Twitter THE platform for secure international
Nov 11, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
Three assets that can benefit from FTX's collapse: (1/x) 1. Coinbase
The most mainstream centralized crypto exchange.
People who are nervous (as many many are) will move crypto assets to Coinbase.

The 52 week high on Coinbase is 355. Right now it's 50 (the 52 week low was 44). (2/x)
Nov 10, 2022 35 tweets 6 min read
FTX and Binance is a crypto soap opera.
This is a crazy story of love, hate, money, and we might not get to the bottom of it. What I say in this thread is speculative.
But here's what happened, what is happening, and the good and bad of what might happen to crypto. (1/x) 1. First off, CZ (CEO of Finance) and SBF (Sam Bankman-Fried) were friends in the past. They grew up in this industry together and CZ even invested in FTX (2/x)
Jun 21, 2022 15 tweets 3 min read
Many people say, "there are no real world use cases of crypto!" These people are wrong. Crypto is currently being used all over the world.

Here's a random sample of some of the many use cases being used today: (thread): Many banks, even Visa, have used crypto and blockchain to make frictionless and fee-less transfers of money to other countries.
The biggest example: donations to Ukraine. Over 120,000 donations involving crypto have been made to Ukraine, totalling over $100,000,000. (2/x)
Jun 19, 2022 14 tweets 3 min read
When you can't say "No" you end up just negotiating the terms of your misery. 12 Things You Should Say "No" to TODAY: (a thread): (1/x) (2/x) Image
Jun 18, 2022 24 tweets 4 min read
Why We Need Crypto in the World (a thread) - so many people now saying, "BTC and ETH worth zero" or "nothing backs it". But this is not true. Digital currencies are a natural evolution of money. Here are SOME reasons why: (1/x) 1) "TRUST" is too expensive in today's economy: Example: The payments system. About 5-6 companies (Visa, American Express, Paypal, etc) pull in about $3 trillion annly in fees. And since most payments are cashless now this is the bulk of all transactions...BUT....
May 10, 2022 12 tweets 3 min read
10 of my favorite examples of "music idea sex" that you probably haven't heard: (1/12) First, idea sex is when you take two totally different concepts and mash them together to create something amazing. Here are ten examples from music: (2/12):
May 9, 2022 17 tweets 4 min read
What I think Elon should do to improve Twitter (we're all experts on Twitter and @elonmusk now). This is a thread. PLUS: the actual legal aspects of censorship that nobody seems to have considered: 1/x: 1) TikTok-style algorithm to help great content rise to the top even if the poster has few followers. TikTok has the best algorithm for discovery. Twitter, FB, etc are dominated by content from ppl with a lot of followers. TikTok lets good content rise to the top (2/x)
May 6, 2022 25 tweets 4 min read
WHAT IS ACTUALLY HAPPENING TO THE MARKETS RIGHT NOW. A summary of the "behind the scenes" activity happening at the Fed since 2008, plus a prediction of what will come next (thread: 1/x). Feel free to ask questions: (1/x) In 2008 the Fed needed to save banks so it started buying US T-Bills. The buyers would put the money in banks, increasing reserves, the Fed would then PAY interest on excess reserves to the banks. This currently gives banks $100bb a year (roughly). (2/x)
Apr 28, 2022 17 tweets 3 min read
Is this a merger arbitrage investment? The Twitter / @elonmusk example: (1/x) Merger arbitrage is an hedge fund strategy. A classic case is when someone offers to buy a company for $10 a share but the shares only go to $9. You can buy at $9 and sell at $10 for an 11% profit. But there are nuances that are important to understand. (2/x)
Feb 23, 2022 13 tweets 3 min read
BIZ IDEA OF THE DAY: doing a rollup of Amazon affiliates. (a thread):

A "rollup" is buying businesses in the same industry (e.g. laundromats), saving on costs through synergies.

Sell at higher price (because of increased earnings AND higher multiple of earnings). (1/x) (2/x) WHY DO YOU GET HIGHER MULTIPLE ON EARNINGS WHEN YOU COMBINE BUSINESSES?

Buyers like bulk earnings.

They are often much bigger companies so they will pay higher to someone who has done the work of combining multiple smaller companies in the same space
Aug 19, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
ADULT IMPROVEMENT TIP #4: MICROSKILLS. EVERY skill can be broken into mutually exclusive microskills. Learn much more quickly by identifying the microskills and develop training to study each specific skill. EXAMPLES: (1/x) #adimp Investing is not a "skill" but a collection of Microskills. Value investing, growth, arbitrage, options, real estate, bonds, business fundamentals, money management and psychology, crypto, deal structure, market history, etc. (2/x) #adimp
Jul 29, 2021 10 tweets 3 min read
Starting a 100 day thread on "adult improvement". We all want to stop doing what we HATE at the expense of doing less of what we love.
But we need to improve , as an adult, at what we love. Music, golf, writing, poker, investing, etc. (1/x..) We want to improve so we can enjoy more. Or make money, etc. And often people tell us its impossible to improve. ill use chess as the 'domain' but will touch on everything from writing to enterpreneurnship. sports, etc. Day 1: (2/x):
Sep 24, 2020 13 tweets 2 min read
TWITTER MASTERCLASS on politcal -ISMS. My own attempts at trying to understand Biden-ism, Trump-ism, Marxism, Capitalism, Socialism, Fascism, and all the differences. One tweet per "-ISM". First, Marxism... (1/x) Marxism:  Differences between a boss (who accumulates capital generated by the work of others) and a worker (who is paid less than the value he or she creates) will result in class struggle and eventual revolution. Class differences can't survive in Marxism. Next..Socialism (2/x)
Aug 28, 2020 10 tweets 2 min read
What is democracy?

A democracy should include mostly "reasonable" people and "rational" people. Let me describe: (1/x) "Reasonable" people are people who all agree that there could be multiple differing ideas and that through agreed upon rules like voting, a decision is reached and everyone is ok with it til the next election. (2/x)
Jul 20, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
Solution to Vladmir Nabokov chess puzzle I posted yesterday:

ANSWER: 1. Qa5+ any 2. Mate

see rest of thread for why and the theory of this particular puzzle. (1/4) Image For example:
1. Qa5+ Bb5 2. Rf1++ (bishop is pinned so can't take rook)
1. Qa5+ b5 2. Rf1++
1. Qa5+ Nb5 Rf1++
1. Qa4 Qb5 Rf1++ (Q pinned)
1. Qa5+ Qc5 Ne7++ (Q pinned)

More examples... (2/x) Image