James Cowling Profile picture
@convex_dev co-founder/CTO. Dropbox storage designer. Distributed systems researcher at MIT. Bad motorcycle mechanic. Database shill.
Jan 16 11 tweets 3 min read
How to be a Principal Engineer/Senior Principal Engineer/Senior Architect/fancy-sounding-title Engineer, a thread:

1. You're evaluated on how much more the company succeeds because you're there, not the lines of code you wrote. If you can unblock someone, do that. If you need to kill a two year project that's not going anywhere, do that. Do what is right, not what makes you look good. 2. Your job is the strategy stuff and the dirty work stuff. All the cool stuff in the middle is for everyone else. You're not too senior to carry a pager or respond to outages, this keeps you in touch with how things are going. Image