James Sowers 📦 Profile picture
"The Productized Services Guy" // Building profitable, scalable service businesses and teaching others how to do the same.
Mar 31, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
Wouldn't it be amazing if a customer hit your store, clicked on a product image, added that product to their cart, and checked out immediately? That's the dream.

Unfortunately, most transactions aren't that straightforward.

Here's what usually happens instead... First, customers search for the right product for their specific needs.

Then, they research questions/concerns they have about product features and specifications.

Finally, they look for social proof and confirmation about shipping cost, delivery timelines, or return policies.
Dec 31, 2018 10 tweets 6 min read
Alright, I'm running short on time, so this one is going to be rapid fire.

This list of "Makers to Watch" consists of people who do great work that I usually keep tabs on during the white space of my day. I follow them more passively, but still learn a ton when I pay attention. @bentossell – Prolific maker and newly-added team member of @earnestcapital. Always building interesting things and churning out new products. Love his drive and his efficiency.
Dec 31, 2018 14 tweets 8 min read
As promised, here comes my second list of people who create things that I get value from.

I call this one "Refreshing Voices," because they handle themselves in a way that, in my opinion, stands out from the echo chamber of business and entrepreneurship advice. @nickd – Nick Disabato runs draft.nu and has always been a refreshingly authentic voice in my inbox. I love that his life is more than "just work," but he is still a master of his craft.

I pre-ordered Nick's new book Value-Based Design and highly recommend it.
Dec 30, 2018 15 tweets 9 min read
In 2019, I'm going to run an experiment related to how I consume content and who I allow to influence my perspectives on life and business.

The following thread includes lots of shoutouts to awesome people. I hope it's as helpful to you as it is for me.

Let's get into it... First, I'm choosing just 12 people to be my "Brain Trust." I look at these people as informal mentors.

I've been following them for a while, but I want to start over as a new member of their audience and dissect how they position themselves, sell their products/services, etc.
Oct 14, 2018 5 tweets 1 min read
Unsolicited Advice:

If your email marketing is non-existent until you want to sell something, your subscribers know – even if you disguise it as education. Hearing crickets for months and then suddenly getting regular emails that just happen to center around a specific topic is a dead giveaway.

Burying your offer at first and then gradually ramping up the "aggression" of your sales pitch is also self-centered and obvious.