James Wester Profile picture
Tech analyst covering #payments, #digitalassets, #fintech and #crypto. I write reports, and people read them. All tweets are pre-washed and ready to consume.
Mar 27, 2023 22 tweets 5 min read
In an odd coincidence, I was going to do a quick Monday thread (meaning I'm going to get zero interaction) on "generalists" vs. "specialists" when I saw this tweet on "Greatest Athlete in History." The thread was prompted by some recent kerfuffles on social media...1/ The "odd coincidence" is this topic was also prompted by an NPR segment on technology where they interviewed a decathlete (like Jim Thorpe). I found it funny that decathletes kick ass in 10 sports but get 1 medal. Michael Phelps gets a medal every time he gets in the water. 2/
Mar 22, 2023 16 tweets 4 min read
Quick thread here aimed at my normie (i.e. not crypto) friends challenging an idea that seems to be gaining some ground: that we already have a "digital dollar." 1/ That vague idea--that a central bank digital currency (CBDC) or "digital dollar" is the same as digital commerce--is encapsulated in a couple of quotes seen here in a @CatoInstitute post on CBDCs. No, you are not transacting in a "digital currency" when you swipe your card. 2/ ImageImage
Feb 26, 2023 13 tweets 5 min read
I'm going to start a short (I think?) thread on some thoughts about this article. I will QT a couple of people, but none of them are meant to be gotchas. Just some places of disagreement...1/ This seems like a good thing to add here. This is not a good starting point for regulation of a new tech, even one that you think is "bad." If you don't know "the point" of it, you don't consider the limits of your knowledge as dispositive. 2/
Feb 22, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
Short thread here, but I encourage you to read this speech from Agustín Carstens from @bis_org. Disagree, quibble, dissect, or argue vehemently against it, but it's still worth reading, especially in light of some of the testimony we've seen in last few weeks. 1/ This is the head of BIS talking about central bank digital currencies as a near inevitability. Regardless of one's opinion on CBDCs (or a "unified ledger"), the language here is striking. He's using language that has been used by crypto folks for a few years now. 2/