Jan Skelton 🌿🐾🌸 Profile picture
Dog lover, truth seeker, adult human female. People should be protected from harm, not ideas from criticism. Disagreement is not hate. Speech is not violence.
Liz Panton #POW 4 Newcastle East and Wallsend Profile picture 1 subscribed
Jul 25, 2021 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Really enjoying “Trans” by Helen Joyce. From chapter 11:

“When people hear the phrase ‘trans rights’ they assume [that what] is being demanded [is] that trans people be enabled to live without discrimination, harassment and violence, and to express themselves as they wish… 1/3 “Such goals are worthy ones, but they are not what mainstream transactivism is about. What campaigners mean by ‘trans rights’ is gender self-ID: that trans people be treated in every circumstance as members of the sex they identify with, rather than the sex they actually are. 2/3
May 2, 2021 • 11 tweets • 4 min read
The Fawcett Society is a UK women’s rights charity, named after the women’s suffrage campaigner Millicent Fawcett (1847-1929). It has been been quiet on @mforstater ‘s case so Maya asked the CEO if women should be forced out of their jobs for saying sex is real. She was blocked. Shocked by this lack of engagement from the CEO of a women’s rights organisation, a number of people challenged @felicia_willow on this. They were blocked. She complained of an abusive pile-on. I looked at what was being said. It all seemed perfectly reasonable to me.
Apr 30, 2021 • 15 tweets • 3 min read
I’m pleased to see that Richard Dawkins is not shying away from this topic despite the outrage. There is much to disagree with in this piece (not by him) but it does at least sound a note of caution about the surge in trans-identified teens seeking hormones/surgeries.
Thread 👇🏼 The author sees being (truly) transgender, as a single phenomenon with a single, biological cause — ’a mismatch between anatomy and brain software.’ He talks glibly about male brains in female bodies, and vice versa.
Mar 6, 2021 • 12 tweets • 3 min read
Reading Stonewall’s nasty, disingenuous complaint about @BluskyeAllison (sent to her Chambers in a attempt to damage her livelihood) has made me very angry. You can read it below together with her dignified rebuttal. I’ve channelled my anger into redonating to her legal costs. Why do I say disingenuous? Here’s one example. Women have been smeared as hateful simply for using the word ‘woman’ or its dictionary definition ‘adult human female’ to describe themselves. Allison retweeted someone who neatly expressed how crazy this is. Image
Sep 5, 2020 • 20 tweets • 6 min read
I had a discussion with Andrew Carter. I claimed children are being sterilised (by puberty blockers and cross sex hormones).
He didn’t agree. But he’s totally committed to stopping toxicity, misinformation and abuse online!
Aug 30, 2020 • 23 tweets • 7 min read
I do understand why people believe they are being kind and compassionate when they support paediatric transitioning.
But I also think that they are uninformed. And that this ignorance and virtue signalling is causing terrible harm to children. Thread👇🏼
independent.co.uk/voices/transge… All these articles use “Through the Looking Glass” language which immediately conditions us to believe we are talking about a boy when we are really talking about a girl (or vice versa). But there is nothing kind or compassionate about being willing to lose sight of reality. 2/
Sep 22, 2019 • 11 tweets • 4 min read
A year or two ago I might have shared this article believing that the mother was doing the right thing ‘transitioning’ her child and that this represented a progressive approach to gender non conforming children. I didn’t know then what I know now.

mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/m… I didn’t know that about 85% of gender dysphoric children become reconciled to their sex as they mature. I didn’t know that the majority grow up to be healthy gay adults. I didn’t realise that the transitioning of children is therefore, in effect, a form of conversion therapy.