Jane #YellowRose 💙 Profile picture
@janestevenson.bsky.social Here to join with people who are trying "to mend our country, piece by piece, in small and larger ways"; Countryside and photography
Dame Chris🌟🇺🇦😷 #RejoinEU #FBPE #GTTO🔶️ Profile picture 1 subscribed
Mar 14 6 tweets 1 min read
Oh my dear God. I suppose it was just a matter of time. This is so damaging. Gaslighting is not a strong enough word. Health fascism? Misogyny? Abuse? Anti-Science? Dystopian?

People should be safe in hospital and the f#cking air should be f#cking clean. BTW *Society* cut clinically vulnerable/ scientifically aware/ Covid aware people out....we did not *choose* to limit our engagement with crowded, shared air spaces. We could share those spaces if there were sensible mitigations in place.
Feb 28 30 tweets 8 min read
Starting a thread to collate my key questions.
You might notice exasperation in tone. This is correct.
1. 2. 😳
Feb 4 14 tweets 3 min read
Comprehensive, easy to follow, *vital* information on Long Covid and why everyone needs to avoid repeat infections. Brilliant interview with @Sunny_Rae1 on BBC Scotland this morning. Segment is right at the start of The Sunday Show.
bbc.co.uk/programmes/m00… Sobering but vital points made by @Sunny_Rae1 :
1/ If we only look at the acute stage of the infection, we are only looking at the tip of the iceberg and the bulk of the iceberg, as we know is under the surface….that can cause certain chronic, long term health issues.
Jan 14 4 tweets 1 min read
I am astounded when I see people who have been tested for things like dysautonomia. I was simply diagnosed, praised for managing well & then bye-bye.
No tests other than standard bloods.
The standard way of diagnosing M.E. is by ruling out things, not finding out.
So. Enough. I have kept quiet but decided as someone with mild M.E. (made worse by Covid btw) I need to advocate not just for myself but for others who are too sick to do so and the, sadly, new cohort of people with Long Covid.

Managing, no tests and then put back to primary care is rubbish
Jan 13 9 tweets 2 min read
A story about mild (genuinely, I am lucky) M.E.

30+ years ago, I got glandular fever also known as EBV. Since then, I have had weird issues, including "fatigue" which is *not* I repeat *not* the same as tiredness.

Sometimes I have periods of remission, which can last for yrs.. ...In that time, 30 + yrs, I have had 2, yes 2, GP appointments and 2, yes 2, specialist apts (bcs my GP pulled a lot of strings) whenre M.E. was acknowledged and taken seriously.
I got diagnosed.
I got discharged by the specialist....
Key point next tweet..
Jan 13 5 tweets 1 min read
There's a proposed new pathway for people with M.E. and Long Covid.
This jumped out and has made me so angry. 1/n
Image 1. "Manage" = emphasis on the patient *only*
2. "Issues" = not illness or symptoms...but issues
3. Discharged when managing = zero understanding of the illness from the ppl designing this pathway.
Oct 31, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Short thread.
Johnson - perceived the vulnerable as bed blockers whilst pretending to put a ring of care around them.
He threw in a few parties round his pad, whilst the rest of us were in late, quasi-lockdowns without effective PPE in hospitals or clean air in schools. 1/ Hancock was health secretary whilst thousands (of "bed blockers") were tipped into care homes (without PPE or clean air). Thousands died. He snogged a work mate whilst the rest of us talked through windows. He ended up on TV eating insects for the nation's entertainment. 2/
Oct 20, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
My mum got caught in that wave, catching Covid in hospital. *She* was locked down in hospital with dementia *which was traumatic*. As ever, it was only the vulnerable that were locked down whilst everyone carried on. Then everyone had to lock down anyway. She caught it in November. People were calling for a short sharp lockdown in October. It *might* have meant my mum just had to deal with a broken hip and dementia, not broken hip, dementia, Covid and extended isolation in hospital away from familiar surroundings & proper care.
Sep 21, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
You know The herd Immunity by Infection Myth? Well, it *is* a myth... Also......These are *children* we are talking about. This society is sanctioning repeat infections on *children*. Why don't more people care or question?!
Sep 20, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
How to dentist in 2023 UK:
Step 1: Find a dentist who will mask.
Step 2: Watch this video:
Step 3: Import Readimask from USA.
Step 4: Put Readimask on as per video.
Step 5: Take in hand held HEPA.
Step 6: Appreciate lovely staff 😍

I will also use nasal spray and gargle with mouthwash when I get home.

BTW: Remember to use handheld before removing Readimask as you have to touch face to remove mask. Image
Aug 31, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Re-writing as can't edit:
This article terrified me. Short 🧵1. The casual acceptance of death when previously it would not have been accepted. 2. It is the *job* of journalists to *not be confused* & create clarity. This article is normalising confusion.
theguardian.com/commentisfree/… Not OK 😳 "..reinfected ppl are more than 2x as likely to die a..as a result of Cvd than ppl who have been infected only once. While that sounds terrifying, the patients the study looked at were mostly men averaging 63 years of age, many of whom had existing health conditions".
Aug 31, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
This article actually terrified me. Short 🧵
1. The casual acceptance of death when previously it would not have been accepted.
2. It is the *job* of journalists to *not be confused* and create clarity. This article is *normalising* confusion and apathy.
theguardian.com/commentisfree/… Not OK 😳
"..reinfected ppl are more than 2x as likely to die a..as a result of Cvd than ppl who have been infected only once. While that sounds terrifying, the patients the study looked at were mostly men averaging 63 years of age, many of whom had existing health conditions".
Jul 11, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
I would like to know who these researchers are and if they are linked in any way to the PACE trial. How @guardian can write this piece, failing to mention the context of the PACE trial, I can only guess at. But it is deeply wrong to do so. #pwME
theguardian.com/society/2023/j… The PACE trial supposedly proved the benefits of psychotherapy (CBT) and Graded Exercise Therapy (GET) but the trial was deeply flawed (TLDR: bcs they changed their definition of success part wat through)
Jun 6, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
For those following the not willing to wear FFP2s dental saga - I have had a reply to my complaint - summary in this thread. (note I have found another one but want to make a point to current one so that it might help other people. We have to keep communicating i.m.o.). 1/n Manager's reply key point;
"I am sorry to understand that we are failing to meet your needs....These Infection Control guidelines have not changed since your last visit to our practice in June 2022. The only thing that has changed since, is the guidelines around covid isolation."
Apr 6, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
🧐A Canadian company wants to dump alkali into the seas off St Ives in Cornwall as an *experiment*.
These things stand out from this article 1/n
"There is no understanding of what effect this will have on our local maritime ecosystem"
cornwalllive.com/news/cornwall-… "There has been *no* environmental impact assessment." 2/n